27 May 2011

Armchair BEA: Blogging Tips and Tricks

Today's topic for the Armchair BEA is Blogging about Blogging. Originally I tried brainstorming a list of blogging rules, a sort of shoulds and shouldn'ts list; but once I got going I realized that I wasn't offering anything new (and that I am not exactly an expert since I am a small-time blogger).  Really what interests me is the concept of balancing your online presence with your real life, so I switched topics...

First and foremost, I should make it clear that I am not an expert on this balance, nor do I think there are hard and fast rules which apply to everyone. We all have different lives, different commitments, different outside interests, and different expectations from our blog. We are all busy, some maybe more than others, but everyone (I sincerely hope) has a life outside of blogging.

There are obvious methods to ensure consistent and quality posting: setting aside specified time every day/week for the purpose of blogging, scheduling posts in advance to account for sudden obligations, etc. But no matter how we prepare, many times real life gets in the way of blogging (as it should). [On a side note, I am diminishing the importance of blogging by distinguishing it from "real life". I mean real as in not-virtual.]

So what is the point of all this you may ask (and rightly so as I am something of a tangential, roundabout chatterer)? Honestly, it is to give all of you permission to put yourself first, to sacrifice posting every day for playing outside with the kids, or cooking a special dinner, or just sitting down and watching the boob tube.

I see so many posts (and have written a few) apologizing for inconsistent posting or not commenting/responding to comments, and while I appreciate the sentiment, I always feel like we place this unnecessary stress on ourselves to be full-time workers, full-time wives, full-time parents, full-time readers, full-time networkers, and full-time bloggers. And it's just too much. I am a very firm believer that unless blogging is a job which supports you financially, you should not stress.

If the commitment to posting every day gets you jittery, or you miss a day or two, don't fret. Many (if not most) of us actually appreciate blogs which don't post every single day.

If you are in a reading slump and don't have reviews scheduled, feel free to post something personal: a thought of the day, a picture, a quote, a video, whatever. A bit of unique content keeps your readers interested.

If you don't have time to respond to every comment left on your blog, no worries. Plop up a big thank you post to all of your commenters!

And finally, if you don't have time to write a unique comment on all of the blogs you read, simply write He-ey or 'sup! Last year at BEA I said I was going to start doing this as I am a horrible lurker on so many blogs due to a serious lack of time. Just a quick note to let someone know you are there, and you are reading hir posts, even if you don't have time to be intelligent or clever.

The main point to all of this is JUST HAVE FUN! Blog for you, not for anyone else; it's the only way to keep from burning out!

For more (and probably more effective) blogging tips and tricks, be sure to check out the other posts linked up at the Armchair BEA website!


  1. I guess I know all of this, but reading it is a great reality check. I'm one of those bloggers who stresses out if I don't have everything lined up, which is NUTS. I know this! THis is my personality, but is plain dumb. Now you have me thinking that maybe posting every day but Saturday isn't a good idea. I'm going to think some more about this...

    Great post! (From Sandy. Google still won't let me sign in for some reason.)

  2. Great advice! I still don't know what to write about for this topic. I guess I shouldn't stress. ;) I love those graphics!

  3. I love the Desserts joke!

    I agree that just saying HI on other people's post is already nice. You don't need to give an indepth comment on what they wrote. Just letting them know you're there is nice.

  4. Great post! I don't stress about posting evry day though I do post something most days. I did a take a photo a day project for 2 years on Flickr and it's not a pressure I want to put on myself with blogging too.

    I read posts from most the blogs I follow but am not a big commenter. Only here as we have a bit of downtime at work!

  5. Very well said! (I am trying to not be a lurker too),

  6. Great post, Trisha. You're right. It is more important to focus on our lives outside of blogging, as blogging isn't our job. I forget this a lot! And I am always so concerned about leaving a meaningful comment and if I don't have time to do that, then I often do not comment. Just leaving a quick hello when I'm time crunched is an excellent idea and exactly what I'm going to start doing.

  7. Ditto what Jennifer-Girls Gone Reading said. ;=)

  8. Great advise. I admit that half the time I am a lurker I really need to make the effort even if its just a Hey whats up comment.

    Hope you enjoy your long weekend :)

  9. A good reminder to us all, I think. Thank you.

  10. I completely agree. I don't really post apology posts because in my experience, I don't really notice if blogs miss some posts! I think readers rarely get annoyed or worried if a blog misses a couple posts. If you disappear for weeks, sure, but I don't think there's any need to apologize if you missed a day or two. Life happens!

  11. I love what you said here. Blogging is supposed to be fun, not stressful!

    Also, don't put yourself down as a "small-time blogger" - everyone's a small-time blogger! That's what blogging's all about - a little spot on the vast interwebs where you write and some people read what you've written. Whether it's 10 or 10,000 people that read what you've written, it's all small-time in the grand scheme of things. :-)

  12. Thanks so much for this! I always seem to stress out when I am not posting consistently. Thanks for reassuring me that it is okay not to post when real life gets in the way!

    Here is my post about blogging!

  13. I do the same thing - real life versus virtual life, but in actuality, virtual life is real life. The people are real and I have to stop myself from thinking any different. I'm trying not to lurk so much and practice what I preach. And yep I agree - the most important thing - have fun!

  14. I agree with you 100%! Well said!

  15. Great advice! The only do or don't I have about blogging is don't write do-and-don't posts, LOL.

  16. You put that very nicely. As you can see I'm here days later trying to read as many Armchair BEA posts as possible. Have to keep that work-life-blogging balance and sometimes I too get overwhelmed.

  17. I heartily second the idea to comment with an 'I was here and read this but sorry nothing brilliant coming to mind so I'm just going to type hey' rather than skipping altogether. :)
    And I think I want my biz cards to say "tangential, roundabout chatterer" - too cool.

  18. Love the '50's style housewife. I'd rather have desserts than be stressed about blogging-that is a self-imposed, unecessary stress. And "'sup" is a lovely comment for certain occasions ;)

  19. I am a sporadic blogger at best on my personal blog. Sometimes I have a lot to say, other times, not so much. I have learned to let this go. That's why I love having my book blog as a group blog. All the responsibility is not on me to produce and yet there is consistent posting.


  20. Ohmigosh, so glad you mentioned that about not having to blog every day. I actually unsubscribe to blogs that post that often because it just overwhelms me. I think that's one of the reasons I'm so anti-meme, because some people do multiple memes per week and I just can't handle it (and, I admit, I don't really care- sorry, but it's the truth!).

  21. Very true!
    I have completely lost touch with my blog and the blogging community these last two months, but it's ok... Life is short and one cannot do everything and certainly not waste time feeling guilty!


Talk to me baby!