03 September 2011

Book Stats

I was lounging around, doing everything I could to avoid the laundry, and I thought: Why not figure out my book stats for the year? I knew they would be rather depressing due to my extreme time off of reading this summer, but still, a girl's gotta know.

Books Read70 Pages Read21527 A23
New Books49 Re-reads21 B47
Fiction58 Non-Fiction12 C0
70 isn't too bad for a normal year, leaving about 30 books left to meet my typical 100 books read; however, I was really hoping for 150 this year. No way that's happening now. I'm not exactly on top of my reading game, still reading A Game of Thrones slowly and deliberately after three weeks. I am very happy with my fiction v. nonfiction stats, as long as I keep reading nonfic relativelly consistently. As a reminder, A, B, and C refer to the brain-grade of what I read, A being difficult, B being average, and C being a no-brainer.

Male27 Female44
Alive65 Dead5
New To Me38 2+ Books/Author2
I am really sucking it up in my goal of reading more dead authors. My pre-blogging days were dominated by dead authors, but the more contemporary authors have caught me...ever since I knew they existed through the awesome reviews of other bloggers. I am surprised at my female v. male stats. Almost double the number of women, another result of blogging.

Age Adult42 YA / Middle Grade23 / 5 Children0
Format Novels63 Short Stories3 Plays2

Graphic Novels2 Misc.0eBooks17
Source Bought29 Borrowed / Library6 Gift/Win/Free12

Swap Site3 Review Copy20 BEA0
What's really tickling me about these stats is that I've read more adult novels than YA, and yet if you look at the brain-age of my books, you'll see that most of the books are at a B level. Obviously the adult books I'm reading aren't exactly top of the intellectual line. :) I've read more ebooks this year, which is not surprising considering I didn't own an eReader for the majority of last year. And I'm happy to say that while I've bought most of the books I've read, I bought them prior to this year!

Science Fiction1 Memoirs4
Fantasy30 Biographies2
Historical Fiction4 Cultural Studies3
Mystery-Thriller4 Essays0
Realistic Fiction9 Narrative Nonfiction3
Romance7 History0
Spec Fic3

Fantasy has definitely dominated my reading this year, in part, because I powered my way through a few fantasy series. I added a Spec Fic category, but I'm not sure I like this as Spec Fic/Fantasy/SciFi are generally combined. As always, I'm never that thrilled about genre classifications. It's something nice to know, but I'm really uncomfortable with labels.

January13 July5
February7 August2
March9 September
April7 October
May11 November
June16 December  
My reading is definitely up to the normal numbers this year. Then again, my usual numbers are (by normal standards) practically obnoxious. Not many people read over 100 books a year (outside of you wonderful bloggers), so I'm trying to remind myself that reading an average of 10 books/month is pretty dang good in the grand scheme of things.

So how is your reading going this year?


  1. Very impressive stats! But I vote that Game of Thrones not be counted as just one book. Each vol is like maybe THREE books!

  2. I think your stats look great and I'm actually jealous of your 70 books. I'm around 103 at this point and wanted to be around 50 max...sigh. But at least i'm going a little bit slower than the last two years!

  3. I tend to do a lot of this type of stuff to avoid laundry as well. Your numbers and stats are quite impressive, and I will be interested to see how much better they are at the end of the year!

  4. I'm up to 56 books as of June -- I do my reporting quarterly, so I won't have exact numbers again until the end of this month. One thing I know for certain, though, is that fiction is definitely beating out non-fiction.

    I've been reading a lot of modern authors recently, too (not counting The Epic of Gilgamesh). It's my goal during the fall to read some older stuff.

    I have a lot of trouble labeling my reads as one genre or the other. Sometimes it's obvious, but a lot of what I read crosses genres, so I don't pay too much attention to that. What really matters is that I enjoy what I'm reading, and that I try to get a good balance of heavy/light and fiction/non-fiction reading.

  5. It cracks me up that you have a goal of reading more dead authors!!! And I'm probably not going to make 100 books this year … but that is OK. I did it once.

  6. Fantastic stats, as always - and yes, given that the average is what, 7 books a year or something? We bloggers clearly are holding up a lot of people who don't read much!

  7. I always love your stats posts. You're so organized! Plus, you track such interesting things. You've inspired some of my own stat categories. As for my reading year, I think it's going pretty well. It's actually the first year I will have a full year's worth of stats, so I'm kind of excited for December when I get to look at my entire year in review.

  8. Gosh you're organized!

    I'm at about 60 for the year, which isn't awful, but I am going to have to push pretty hard to get to 100 this year (I don't think it's going to happen).

  9. Fabulous stats -- I keep thinking I'd like to do some analysis of my reading -- but then I get distracted by either reading. I surpassed my goal of 60 books this year which I'm very excited about -- I just upped it to 100 which I'm a little daunted by!

  10. Get it all in now my dear friend. I can't remember the last book I finished (actually I do, but I don't remember when that was...maybe June?). Yesterday we finally got Elle to nap after a screaming fit and Scott sat down on the couch and started talking to me. I immediately told him "please leave me alone so I can at least read something." I got 15 pages read and was pretty damn happy with that.

    So, get it all in now missy. Do nothing but read. ;)

  11. Okay, I have to laugh at this line:
    "My pre-blogging days were dominated by dead authors, but the more contemporary authors have caught me...ever since I knew they existed through the awesome reviews of other bloggers."

    You didn't know there were living authors prior to blogging?


  12. I am barely past the forty plus books read, which is pretty dismal for me. I usually wind up reading at least 120 a year. I have the last few years anyway. For some reason that I can't figure out, I don't seem to have as much time for reading this year.

    I think you are doing great with your reading. You have a good variety going on. I <3 your charts. I would love to be more organized in dissecting my reading habits. :)


  13. this is SO COOL! Such a good idea! I need to be more organized, lol!

    Great blog you have here =D


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