06 September 2011

Top Ten Sequels We're Dying to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's challenge is to create a list of the top ten sequels we are dying to read (which I think is pretty clear by the title of my post). Now, I'm pretty sure "sequels" means the second book, but I'm going for any installments in a series. And off we go...

1. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instruments series really rocked my world, so when the Infernal Devices series began, I was super excited. Now, of course, I'm impatiently waiting for the second installment in the series.

2. Goliath by Scott Westerfeld: The third installment in the trilogy, Goliath will finally bring me answers I've been waiting for since Leviathan. And of course, it will also give me more of this fantastic world Westerfeld has created.

3. Heartless and Timeless by Gail Carriger: Books 4 and 5 in the Parasol Proctectorate series, these two really get me fiending as they are this wonderful steampunk, paranormal, romance blend of loveliness. Heartless is already out; I just have to convince someone to buy it for me; Timeless comes out next summer I believe.

4. The Twelve by Justin Cronin: I loved The Passage with a passion, so I can't wait to find out what happens next in this vampirific and epic tale.

5. A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin: I'm not even finished with the first, A Game of Thrones, but I'm already giggly over the sequel. Such a wonderful story!!

6. Crossed by Ally Condie: Okay, so I enjoyed Matched even if I didn't fall in booky love with it like many did. I am very curious as to where the story is going, so bring on the sequel.

7. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini: This is the fourth book in Paolini's series. While many have hemhawed about how the story "borrows" from other stories, this is something I see all the time in books, and hence don't care too much about. As long as the story is reasonably original, I'm cool.

I know there are more, but I'm running out of time. The oven timer just beeped! :)


  1. Goliath was fantastic. Sadly, Crossed didn't really live up to the first book. :(

  2. Good Lord, do I feel out of it! I have not read any of these, save The Passage. I didn't love that book, but I will definitely be reading the sequels. I'm in it for the long haul!

  3. I'm curious about The Passage too. I wonder where exactly he is going to take it. Of course, now I can barely remember the ending of the first book but no way am I going to reread that behemoth!

  4. I enjoyed Soulless, but I haven't felt compelled to pick up the next in Carriger's series. I'm not really sure why, since I liked the first one. I'll circle back around to it someday.

    Paolini's book made it onto almost every list I've seen. Lemmings, all of you! ;)

  5. I told Matt that buying book 4 in the Inheritance Cycle would be my only exception to my book ban. I really want to know what happens, and his writing as improved with each book (plus, it has dragons. And I love dragons).

  6. My husband has been on pins and needles waiting for the sequel to The Passage. He read it last year and when he discovered he had two years to wait for the next book he freaked out!

  7. I am not ready to tackle a lot of these because I haven't read the first books yet, but The Passage and the Gail Carriger books are on my list. It seems that there are a lot of great things coming up for you!

  8. Eeeeeee Goliath! Cannot wait! I only hope my library gets the audio, which, so far, they have not ordered. I'm excited to see you have Inheritance on here, too, as I've just added that series to my audiobook TBR list.

  9. I'm excited about A Clash of Kings and Inheritance too.

  10. I'm totally on the waiting list for Clockwork Prince too! I hope it's as awesome as the first book!

  11. I've only started one of the series on your list, but I have heard great things about the others.


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