19 October 2011

Book ADD

I seem to be suffering from a severe case of Book ADD lately. To explain, as of this moment in time (12:39pm Monday October 17) I am in the middle of reading six books. This is very unusual for me. Generally I am a serial monogamist with books, occasionally reading one book in the middle of reading another, but very rarely switching back and forth between books. Lately though, the conversation in my head has been like this:

"You should read."
"What am I readi..."
"Oh, here's a book. Shiny."

And then I start reading whatever is closest or whichever book on the shelf catches my eye. It's not that what I am reading isn't enjoyable or engaging - as you'll see below, I'm reading some good ones - it's more that I am overall distracted right now due to a combination of pregnancy and work. What am I reading? Well, here you are:

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt: I am loving this atmospheric, rambling, eccentric read; although a small part of me believes I may have read it before....

The BFG by Roald Dahl: When other kids read Dahl and Cleary, I read books which were a bit more mature. I somehow missed out on the younger middle grade fiction reads, bypassing them for older kid stuff or even adult books. So far, so good with this one. I adore the BFG's diction!

Ain't I a Woman by Bell Hooks: Post on the pull and push of gender and race, I really enjoyed the first few chapters, but I have to admit a bit of burnout. I think I was plowing through this small, but dense book a bit too fast, and my overloaded brain needed a break.

The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry: Introductory Post, Post on d.a. levy, I am not now, nor have I ever been a poetry fan, but I am definitely enjoying this anthology. The problem is one of plot. I like plots. Seriously. I like stories. My husband always makes a fuss because he would rather watch brainless, no-plot shows like Pawn Stars, Storage Wars, etc.

Readicide by Kelly Gallagher: I didn't make it very far into this one. The topic fascinates me, but statistics annoy me. Plus, the book is written for PreK through High School, and I teach college. I do hope to continue reading this, but it's probably going to take a while.

To Join the Lost by Seth Steinzor: This is a retelling - reworking? - of Dante's Inferno. In this version, the narrator (a version of the author, just like the original) is led through hell by Dante himself. And hell has been updated, modified a bit, to account for current times. I love the Inferno, so I am having fun with this one.

So those are the six book which currently are splitting my attention on those rare occasions I am actually reading. What this means is that it will take me forever to get through any one of these books. Originally I was hoping the readathon would help me out, but it looks like my participation will be minimal as I have birthday party to attend that night. It always happens: I have no weekend plans for a month and then two activities in one night!

Anyone else trapped in a strange reading ADD cycle right now?


  1. I tried to read two books and found it tough going. Best of luck with six!

  2. I've got several going at one time myself...I almost feel schizophrenic. I was just thinking the other day how nice it would be if one of these books would just take me away...hasn't happened yet though.

  3. Do you think that might be a pregnancy thing? I used to get scatterbrained and my interests went all short and multi-directional during pregnancy. :D Especially the last trimester.

  4. It has to have something to do with the pregnancy thing, but that isn't the only thing going either I don't think. There is just so much goodness, sitting around tempting us. I am not reading six books, but I cannot concentrate. I have other things I have to be doing, and can't afford to sit down. I am REALLY looking forward to the readathon this weekend.

  5. I try to avoid reading several books at a time by
    1) reading what I really want rather than what I think I should read

    2) Let randomizer pick a book for me (yes!)

    3) carrying around my current read in my purse and up and down the stairs with me.

    Hope you decide soon on which one you want to finish first. They all look good!

    Here's what I've been reading lately: Current reads

  6. I am having reading problems of a different sort. When I finally do sit down to read, I can only concentrate for a few minutes at a time, before my mind is taken over by other thoughts. It's not that my book isn't good, because it is, it's just that life is cramping my style when it comes to thinking and reading. I am hoping that the readathon gets me back on track!

  7. No, I'm not THAT ADD but this makes me laugh. ;) I get in slumps where no book can hold my attention and it's not fun. Good luck.

  8. I'm having book ADD as well. Even though I am enjoying a book, lately I'll just feel like I have to move on and come back to it later (hoping that I do). And I'm not pregnant! :--)

  9. Six books is a lot to have going at one time! Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is one of my favorite books ever!

  10. I often get like this when I have just finished a really great or a really exhausting book. Generally, I like to jump right into the next one, but I think this is my mind's way of saying "JUST TAKE A DAY OFF."

  11. Maybe not ADD, but I am finding it hard to focus. I've got a to-read list and I'm usually pretty good with sticking to it, but for some reason I'm looking at the stuff to be read -- and that I genuinely want to read -- and just kind of sighing wistfully. Maybe I just need a day or two to shake out some cobwebby words that are hanging around in my brain and make room for some new things.

  12. Books? I don't remember what those are! I have one in my purse that I hoped to read on the plane to SLC but the babe was cuter. And then I have my dueling monster books on the iPad that I want to get to. I'm hoping to finish at least one this weekend.

    Birthday smirthdays. Readathoning is much more fun. ;)

  13. I had a whole comment typed out earlier on my phone but I've been having issues lately with phone commenting.. soooo I had said that I don't mean to but I have SEVERAL going right now, LOL. I was trying to get some work done yesterday and got bored (as always) so I turned and looked at my shelf and pulled yet ANOTHER book off the shelf and started reading it, LOL. I try to cut down when it becomes too many.

  14. Considering you must have raging hormones, you sound pretty focused to me! But then again, I'm an adult ADD poster child, so don't listen to me. ;-)

  15. Hah, Book ADD describes me perfectly. (And do you mind if I steal that truly excellent squirrel picture???)
    I'm not pregnant though. In my case, it's just the sheer number of books I have tempting me.

    Also, excitement about Dewey's Readathon! Cannot wait for tomorrow morning!

  16. No but that's way too many books to keep straight. I say read them one at a time and knock them out :)

  17. I don't think I am having book ADD so much as book indecisiveness. I am finding I am liking less and less being in between books as I cannot seem to choose the next one despite the fact that I have a giant pile of books I'd really like to read to choose from. Perhaps it's book ennui? The horror. :O

  18. and.... GO! Have a fabulous readathon!!

    (I supposed I should find your RAT post but I'm trying to quickly go thru everyone this first hour - I must be crazy! :D but DO have fun and I hope to visit you again in the next 24 hours, or even more than once...)

  19. I'm just in a slump. Too. Much. Going. On!

  20. I don't experience book ADD too often. In fact I usually experience the opposite: I read so many books that I get tired of them and just STOP reading for a week or so. It's nice to have more free time, but it really makes it hard to blog! :)


Talk to me baby!