02 January 2012

2012 Blogging Goals

GOAL #1: Post Efficiently
I have never been a consistent poster, going from one or two posts a week to posting every day. While I would love to keep up the every day posting, I have to accept the fact that The Floppy Alienette is probably going to make that impossible. I don't want to go all willy nilly with my posting though, so I hope to accomplish the following sub-goals:
Sub-Goal: Schedule My Weekly Posting : Work out a set schedule of posting 4-5 times per week: include book reviews (new ones or Old Favorites), bookish images, baby day (yeah, I'm probably going to be talking about my little one around here), a post on teaching, one meme per week, Sunday Salons about reading issues/theories, etc. I am not assigning a day to each because I am just not that organized, but I do want to at least try.

Sub-Goal: Schedule my Monthly Posting : At the end of each month put up a blogger recommendation wish list listing all those books I've found on other blogs. I started this last year, but the baby stress pushed it to the back burner. To help with Goal #2, I also want to have a day set aside for a monthly mini-review posting for those books which may not warrant an entire review post.

Sub-Goal: Schedule a Quarterly Report : I would really like to post a reading and blogging goal update four times throughout the year. I want to set these up in advance so I can just pop in the numbers and add a few easy comments at the appropriate time.

Sub-Goal: Create My Posts in Advance : Excluding book reviews and memes, I would like to schedule my posting roughly two weeks in advance. Obviously, this will shift as I am a bit more spontaneous than I would like to be.

GOAL #2: Switch Up My Book Postings
The posts I write may not necessarily constitute reviews in the super-formal sense of the word, but they do follow a basic review pattern of summary and evaluation. This year, I would like to write more book discussion posts in addition to the "reviews", meaning I will write multiple posts per book, at least one discussion type post and a final review post.  I also want to remember that I do not have to review every book I read (last year really helped with this as I read a ton of un-blogged-about books). To help assuage the guilt of this, I hope to write a Mini-Review post every month.

GOAL #3: Manage my Google Reader
The GR is a never-ending problem, but I am hoping to one day figure out a way to organize my GR so that those blogs which I love + those blogs which interact with mine are clearly listed in a Must Read folder, and the others are separated out by some other classification.

Sub-Goal: 20 Must Read Blogs : I would like to get the Must Read folder down to 20. Right now, I have 45 blogs in the Must Read folder, and I absolutely cannot keep up with them.

Sub-Goal : 120 Total Blogs to Read : I subscribe to a total of 199 blogs. Just not possible for me. At least not if I want to keep reading, blogging, working, eating, sleeping, spending time with the family, etc. My eventual goal is to pare down my GR to only 120 blogs total.

Sub-Goal : Increase My Commenting : Comment on the 20 blogs I put in the Must Read folder at least every other day, and comment on the other 100 blogs at least twice a week.


  1. I think the key is going to be your goal of pre-scheduling posts. Even with teenagers, I find that my time is not my own and I never know WHEN I'm going to have time. So when I do get time, I sit down and pound out as many as I can because I never know when I'll get that chance again. And OMG! It would be hard to narrow it down to 20 blogs, but that is a good idea. I stress out over the blog visiting and commenting.

  2. I like your Google Reader goals. I also struggle with having too many blogs that I want to read. I'm so inconsistent that I want pre-schedule and stick to that it. Good luck and enjoy your reading/blogging in 2012.

  3. These are some great goals. I used to schedule ahead and fell off that wagon, so I definitely want to pick that up again. I also really like your idea on commenting on blogs - I know there are ones I go to time and time again, and should comment more regularly!

  4. Good luck! Sounds like you're working much harder than I can do on this. :D I hope you find a way to streamline it all, esp google reader which is just an INSANE timesuck. I've added back a bunch of blogs recently and yeah...timesuck. :D

  5. Great goals! I've started scheduling more posts when I'm in the mood to write, have more time to write, and it's really helped improve efficiency and consistency. Good luck, Trisha!

  6. First, love the way this post is organized with sub-goals and such. I felt like I was at work for a minute there but it's that work like organization that helps with the blogging.

    I support many of your sub-goals, such as the mini-reviews, multiple posts for one book, and making the blog generally about you and not just books. I feel like my blog has evolved over time, and I've actually considered a name change as well.

    With respect to streamline GR, or list of blogs we read, I couldn't agree more. There are some bloggers who I connect with more and I want to make sure I don't skip them. Yet, there are other bloggers who I enjoy reading but never get to. And they almost always respond back. It's a time thing.

    I wish you much luck and success in your goals and can't wait to hear about your little crumb snatcher :) (Little Floppy Alienate)

    Happy new year dear!

  7. I always preschedule. It helps with the stress! And I have cut way back on commenting but I still follow too many blogs. Maybe I should take up your streamlining resolution!

  8. I write most of my posts on the weekend, because there's just not enough time during the week. And as far as GR goes, I've found that keeping the total blogs subscribed to below 100 is the magic number for me. And I still don't comment everywhere all the time.

  9. Oh wow! You have a lot of great goals this year, and I hope that you can get everything managed to your satisfaction what with all the other things you have to do for the baby. I have to agree with the prescheduling thing. I try to have my posts written and planned out a week in advance, though I have not been as good about that lately. Hopefully you can find a niche that works for you and get things all organized. I hear you about having too many blogs to visit too. It's kind of nuts how many places I visit everyday!

  10. I need one nice empty weekend to pre-schedule a bunch of posts and get ahead of the game. It definitely makes all the difference!

    Something must be done about my commenting, too. Some weeks I have bright shining moments and do a ton of commenting, others I disappear from the commenting scene completely. I definitely need to find a way to even it out and make sure it's not always the same people I'm commenting to while I'm missing out on commenting on a bunch of the rest of my favorites.

    Good luck with your goals!

  11. Gah! I swear I left a comment here yesterday.

    Anyway, great list of goals for 2012. Really--no comment? Nothing about how you'd enjoy the nook better this year and how some new moms seem to be able to find a lot of time to read. Gah.

    And then something about how I know 2012 will be a great year for you and I can't wait. ;)

  12. I really like your GR goals. I fail miserably at commenting, but I think that is because I follow way too many blogs. And to be perfectly honest, some of them don't "catch" me the way they should. I really need to reorganize and prioritize...that would be a great task for a Bloggiesta!

    I also need to work on commenting. I suck at it. :)

    I try and pre-schedule as much as I can. But I would really like my posts to go up AS I am reading the book. I need to just plow through and get caught up so that happens...something to think about!

    I hope you have a wonderful 2012!

  13. Great goals! I really like your discussion-post plan. My own blogging goal is to simply do better than I did last year :)

    Good luck!

  14. I like your blogging goals. I am wildly inconsistent with the amount of blogging I do. I have been striving lately to at least keep a balanced number of posts going each month.

    I also want to actually make it through a year where I review everything I read. It would be the first time ever so although I'm not assured of success I am going to try.

  15. I've been working on the google reader one for a while.. I still have a little ways to go, but I've pared it down a lot and have really enjoyed being able to keep up better. I feel bad that I'm missing out on so many great blogs, but in reality there are just too many!

  16. I need to do something about my GReader as well. I'm by far closer to some bloggers than others and there's a problem with the amount of time I can spend on GReader. I know Lu went back to a blogroll, but I don't know if that's right for me either. *le sigh*

  17. The reading, commenting schedule has me in a tizzy right now too...I can easily spend a couple of hours just reading everyone else's posts. I don't always comment, and sometimes I skim but it still takes a lot of time...I enjoy it; don't get me wrong, but I surely don't know how to manage it.
    I've only been able to complete posts ahead of time sporadically, but I too enjoy a little more freedom during the week when it works out that way.

  18. Great, specific goals for the year! I love the weeks when I can get my posts written ahead of time so I don't have to spend the evening doing all blogging things (reading, writing, commenting) and can do other stuff while still feeling like a good blogger :)

    I love the idea of doing mini-reviews at the end of the month to keep from feeling like every book needs a full review.

  19. I'm going to steal some of your goals. I love the idea of posting based on a schedule. I'm looking at a new calendar I bought that would work perfectly for writing out blog ideas. Last year I let structure (in my life in general) fall off completely. I'm ready for a little.

    Good luck with the reader bit. I've tried to keep control over mine but it never seems to work.

    I like mini-reviews. Must remember that point when I write my own thoughts. Keep it simple and to the point.

  20. Wow! That's a crazy lot of goals there. I think you've just articulated a lot of things that I've been thinking about sorting out with my own blog/ blogging life. Thanks for this!

  21. Managing your reader is key!! The main thing is to stop reading "obligation" blogs and just read the ones you really really want to. I also have a "must read" folder and then a list of blogs I read and only comment once a week -- picking the post that most interests me. It helps!

  22. This is fantastic! And I would be absolutely horrified if you didn't have a "baby day." We peri-menopausal moms have to live vicariously you know. :-) I hope you're able to meet your goals. I remember spending time at the keyboard with a baby attached to my breast. *LOL* Back to the present ... I went from not blogging at all for almost a year to managing to squeak out maybe a post per week. And I haven't blogged much about books and movies for ages. I'm hoping for better things in the new year.

  23. You're WAY more organised than I'll ever be :P Best of luck with everything, Trisha.

  24. Wow, what organization. Very impressed with your goals. I am with you on needing to par down my GR. I'm overwhelmed and baby hasn't come yet!

  25. Some truly fantastic goals here, and incredible amount of organizing!! Good luck with it all :)


Talk to me baby!