24 April 2012

Madison Monthly: Three

The Basics
We didn't go to the doctor this month, so I can't tell you how much the little nutter weighs or how much taller she's gotten. All I can tell you is that she is definitely bigger.

Eating and Sleeping
-She's off Zantac since it wasn't working and she's now on Prevacid. I really hate giving her pills but I hate the straining and the crying more. I honestly have no clue if it's really working; I mean, for the most part, she is just fine when eating, but every now and then, she reverts back. Poor duck.
-Every now and again, my beautiful little nutter goes to bed about 9:30 and makes it all the way to 4 or 4:30 in the morning before needing her bottle. Six-seven blessed hours of uninterrupted sleep - for her. I, on the other hand, don't go bed when she does because there's so much to be done. :) I hear that eventually she will sleep from like 8pm to 7am. I can't wait.

Behavior and Development
-She discovered her hand, and then she decided the natural place for her hand to be was in her mouth. Now she licks, sucks, and otherwise makes out with her hand. I find it amusing and actually have video of it.
-She's learning all sorts of new tricks with her neck, for instance, she recently discovered that it can both hold her head up and turn it from side to side. We are proud.
-Her newfound control has morphed into a lack of cuddle time from mommy. The nutter wants to sit up all the time, meaning I rarely get to hold her like she's a baby (unless she's sleeping). I do sort of miss this cuddly time. On the other hand, it's too cute when I try to hold her and she pushes that little chin forward and tries to sit up. She doesn't get far since her tummy muscles aren't too developed. She even sat up on her own for the first time this month:

-While she doesn't get much out of tummy time besides sleeping, she does seem to really enjoy laying on her stomach on my chest and pulling her head up to look at my face (aka up my nose). I find this ridiculously sweet, and when she finally gets her head in position to look at me and she smiles, I am in heaven. She had one good tummy time this month:
Other than that, putting her on her stomach means sleeping:

-She now, from time to time, has actual tears when she cries which is both sad and adorable.
-She still doesn't laugh out loud, but she does do this weird panting laugh sometimes when she's sleeping. I'd really like to know what she dreams about.
-She coos all the time and it's just so freaking cute. She also blows bubbles and raspberries. Again, cute.
-Along with sucking on her hand, she's figuring out more and more that they are useful tools. It's not often, but sometimes she grabs her toys and uses her hands to move them around:

Social Stuff
-She still spends every Wednesday night at her grandma's, and she spends quite a bit of time with her great-grandma as well. Lucky mommy.
-She hasn't had much opportunity to meet new people, but when she has, she's been just fine being passed around from one set of arms to the next. She did enjoy playing with her cousins at Easter.
-Speaking of Easter, she's super cute in bunny ears:

-Personally, I think she's going to be extremely social because she certainly prefers attention to alone time. She's practically ADD with her incessant need to be moved from one place to the next. Easily bored in one place, she wants to move play gym to bouncy seat to swing to your lap with you talking to her the whole time! My grandmother though did find a little trick which seems to keep her entertained for a small chunk of time....the tv. No shit people, my three month old daughter likes TV, and she seems particularly fond of The Vampire Diaries as she sat with me and watched two freaking episodes. She NEVER sits still that long. Damon's hot even to a three month old.

Mommy Notes
-Trying to work and take care of her simultaneously is killing me. I love that my job means I only go on to campus three days a week, but my job is more than just teaching a class. I have to prepare for the class, grade the assignments, deal with student problems, work on the retention committee, lead the gay-straight alliance, prepare and grade course assessments, and do all the other hullabaloo that comes with being a college professor. I may only put in about 15-20 hours per week on campus, but I put in a full 40-50 hour work week. Unfortunately, like with any other job, it's practically impossible to watch a baby and work simultaneously. People think that "working from home" means you have all this free time, but it's really no different from working in an office (and most people don't bring their children into the office). I'm going a wee bit crazy and I am definitely behind in my work. Luckily the semester is almost over, and then I will have a bit of time to figure out how I'm going to deal with this before the fall semester starts.
-I love my daughter but she really frustrates me sometime.

Her Nicknames (in order of use, 1 being most often):
  1. Nutter
  2. Baby Nut
  3. My Beautiful Little Baby
Songs I Sing to Her
  1. You are My Sunshine (the O Brother version)
  2. Baby Beluga (I love Raffi)
  3. Go to Sleep Little Baby (again, the O Brother version)
  4. Amazing Grace (do you really need a link?)
  5. Chili's Baby Back Ribs song as follows:
    1. I love my baby nut, baby nut, baby nut; Mommy's baby nut Madison.
The Pictures


  1. Yes and Damon is hot to mommies too. Heh heh. Listen, there is way too much for me to comment on here. But first I must say that she is SO DAMN CUTE! What a personality this child has already. She is going to be something when she is a teenager! I love the picture of her sitting up, like she is saying "now what the hell do I do?". My son had all kinds of stomach issues (he was on Prevacid a little later on) but I think being on their stomach feels good to their aching bellies. The plight of the working mom is not easy to deal with. No advice there, it just sucks.

  2. She is just too adorable! Love all the pics.

    I wish I had some advice on how to balance work with being a mom :( I know you'll figure out what works for both of you! Hang in there.

  3. I love how dark her hair is!

    A lot of what you said about her - especially all the ADD and needing to have attention - sounds a LOT like Morrigan at that age.

    Crazy that she sat up at three months!!

  4. So, so wonderfully cute she is! I can imagine that it's hard to have to give her meds for her tummy, when babies that young aren't even eating food. Like Sandy mentions, she seems to have incredible personality, and it totally comes through in the pictures. I hope that there is eventually a balance between work and home for you that is acceptable. It's hard trying to do everything, and be in the present for all of it.

  5. Adorable! Especially with the bunny ears!

  6. Working with a baby in the house has always been damn near impossible for me. As a social media person it's easier than it was as a prof. I spend a day a week at Starbucks grading like my hair's on fire just praying I get done by the end of the semester. I feel ya!

    She's a CUTIE! Sleeping on the tummy is just too adorable for words.

  7. I remember you posting a couple picture of yourself before she was born, and wow! That first picture looks a lot like you. Or am I dreaming?

    She's so so cute, but honestly, I don't know how you get anything accomplished working from home with her. My dog (baby) Maddie is work enough when I'm working from home. She's very demanding! Can't imagine a baby. Kudos to you.

  8. AW! Look at all her dark hair! And she has such a wide array of expressions. Cute, just cute!

    Loved the Damon reference. ;)

  9. She's absolutely adorable. HUGS for you and if I could give you extra quiet time and double duty energy, I would.

  10. I think that baby Elle and baby Maddie could probably be BFF. I absolutely relate to having an overactive baby (I blame my ADHD husband) and it is exhausting. On the weekends if there aren't two naps during the day *I'M* ragged--I've got to have those moments to recharge because she's not "a play by herself while I read a book" babe. And also agree with the work at home bit--I honestly don't know how you do it. Hopefully you can get something figured out and maybe as she gets older she can spend a day or two in day care.

    Love that first picture of her where she's rolling her eyes. And sleeping on the tummy is the best. Especially when they start putting their little behinds up in the air. Sweet little madinut!!

  11. Gorgeous! Sorry to hear she is having issues with reflux - hopefully it will resolve soon.

  12. Such a little cutie! I'm actually heading over to a friend's house tomorrow because he's a work-from-home dad who is way behind on his work due to baby. He's also a tv-watching three month old so I'm going to see if he'll watch some Miyazaki films with me. :) Loving these updates, btw!

  13. She's getting to the "fun" stage!! She looks so adorable!! I'm sure it is wildly hard to work and take care of her … I know I couldn't have done it. Hang in there … you'll figure it out.

  14. She is just so adorable!! I think babies are so cute so that parents can look at them while they are cleaning their diapers and listening to them cry all the time and vomit on their clothes and be able to forgive them and carry on. :) Madison is definitely adorable enough for that.

  15. Aw, she's lovely! Love that winky smile in the last photo :)

  16. She is absolutely beautiful, Trisha! I personally think the first three months are the most difficult, and the whole parenthood thing gets easier after that. It is never a cakewalk, mind you, but it is easier. Hang in there!

  17. Oh hey...she's waving to me in that last pic. Way to go, Madison! ;-)

  18. I wish I'd journaled like this when my little heathens were little. What a gift you're giving your future self (and your daughter). She is just too stinkin' cute to be believed.


Talk to me baby!