29 June 2012

Madison Monthly: 5

The Basics
On June 24, my little nutter turned five months old. Crazy. She's gigantic, almost busting out of size 2 diapers and definitely wearing size 3 nighttime diapers.

Eating and Sleeping
Eating is same old, same old except for one little oddity. A handful of times the past week, I've tried feeding her, and Madison has decided she would prefer to sit in her chair rather than lay in my arms. So she sits in her little pink throne, and I feed her while she watches tv. I am her bitch.

While this should go in next month's update, I just had to share: on her birthday, we fed her rice cereal for the first time, and she loved it. She was gobbling it up no problem, mouth open, hands reaching, tongue practically wagging. She makes a bit of a mess, but so far she hasn't been too too bad, pretty much keeping it in the mouth even if it takes her a while to swallow. And she smiles while she eats.

Her sleep has varied quite considerably this month. In the beginning, she refused to fall asleep at night, her eyes popping wide open every time that sleepy head of hers hit the mattress. Towards the latter half of the month, she started falling asleep pretty well, but she refused to stay asleep. It seems like she is uncomfortable. My stubborn, odd little duck has decided she likes sleeping on her side; unfortunately, she can't maintain that position, flopping over on her back or stomach which then wakes her up in annoyance. Difficult little girl. Some nights, Madison goes to sleep at eight, but I have to get up and put her on her side ten freaking times between 8 and midnight.

Regardless of when or how she goes to bed, she wakes up between 5 and 6...too freaking early in my opinion. Some mornings, she comes back in bed with me and the hubby; others we have to actually STAY AWAKE at that ungodly hour.

Napping has been sporadically awesome. Some times she falls asleep easily and then stays asleep for like an hour or even *gasp* two (okay, this has only happened like three times, but still it makes me happy). Most of the time, though, it takes about 30 minutes to put her to sleep and then she only sleeps for like 30 minutes. Annoying.

Behavior and Development
She likes television more than I think a five month old should, and specifically, she likes cartoons. I mean really? There's that much difference for a baby?

She is rolling over non-stop. She started rolling over with purpose the day after she turned four months, and she hasn't stopped since. Apparently most babies roll over from their stomach to their back first, but not my nutter. She flops herself from back to stomach over and over and over. Then she realizes she is on her stomach and cries to be flipped back...at which point she promptly flips over again....it's a vicious circle.

Even if she hates tummy time, she still adores tubby time. She smiles and coos and in general looks like a very content, happy little baby while I'm washing and rinsing. Thank the heavens she likes it; I've heard horror stories about tubbies. Her love of water has transferred to some outside water activities: baths outside on a beach towel, the big pool, and a baby pool. She's still not sure what to do in the pools, but she at least enjoys the water.

She is finally getting the hang of her exersaucer, going from Holy Shit to Yeah Baby this past month:

Social Stuff
Every now and then, she seems a bit frightened of people she doesn't see often, but for the most part, she's okay....especially if they take her in the water, which she loves in any form:

She absolutely loves taking trips. For an entire car ride, whether five minutes or thirty, she talks, which is adorable. And when we are out in public, she looks around like she's a kid at Disney World.

The Pictures ( in case you haven't seen enough of her yet)


  1. Oh my goodness, she's so cute, Trisha!

  2. I've forgotton almost what five month olds do so this was a good post for me as well!

  3. It's so fun to see how she's growing up, and one day, I'm sure, she'll love looking at these posts herself.

  4. 5 months! She's gonna be 18 before we know it!

    And if she's getting up at 5am she might as well make herself useful and go to work for me. Crazy kid.

  5. Five months already! She's so adorable. The last picture under the "behavior and development" section is my favourite :D

  6. This one sure has her own personality. I can't wait to see what kind of mischief she's going to find when she is older! And she just couldn't be cuter, really.

  7. The boys were quite big at this age, wearing size 3-4 diapers. !!! They seriously grew FAST. Crazy fast. Got their dad's genes, I guess.

    She's so cute. :)

  8. That next to last pic of her is SO beautiful. Love them all, but wow. Pretty, pretty baby.

  9. Madison is a cutie! Watch, there's going to come a time where she realizes that once you put food in her mouth, she can spit it back at you. On purpose. Fun. ;-)

  10. She's such a cute little chunk!

  11. Aww, she is an adorable little water baby, isn't she? I love these updates, and think she is growing up to be a very beautiful little girl. Where does the time go? It seems only yesterday that she made her appearance! Very cute shots in this post!

  12. Well I need to keep up with my google reader more often! Happy 5 months Madison! I was just thinking about you guys this morning and trying to calculate on my hand how many months she would be. For some reason it seems like SO long since the last update that I was thinking 6 months.

    Hopefully the naps will even out. I HATED the inconsistency and frustration of never knowing what to expect from day to day. Holding my breath when I'd hear a cry wondering if naptime was over already.

    I absolutely adore that second to last picture of her with the blue sleeper. She's got some gorgeous blue eyes!! The only thing that's missing is how YOU are doing! I'm hoping well.

  13. I love these baby updates, and the pictures are priceless! She is insanely gorgeous.

  14. Can I say ADORABLE, too? Again? yay for the little nutter.

  15. Oh she is so cute!!! I love the Nutter nickname … I bet you end up calling her that her whole life!! My son was ALWAYS an early riser and it has been the bane of my existence. I'll hoping he gets to be a teen and starts sleeping in like NORMAL people!!


Talk to me baby!