01 November 2012

Speedy Tag

Jenners has really sped up the tagging ladies and gentlemen, so without further ado....

If you could trade a skill or personality trait with one of your friends, what would you take and what would you give? My friend Josh has apparently unlimited energy regarding social activities, and I have absolutely none. He has an amazing amount of friends and a full social calendar. I would like that social energy and overall friendliness. In exchange, I shall give Josh my modesty...too many have already seen too much....

What era of your life would you re-live and why? College. I loved college. The classes, the long stretches of free time, the lack of responsibility, the classes....Yep, I'm a geek. And knowing what I do now, I would definitely work on having a bit more fun and exploring the world around me outside of academia a bit. Just a "bit" more though because I loved classes.

What book would you like to see turned into a musical and who would you want to star in it? Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I can't honestly say why; that's just the book that immediately popped into my mind. And even after thinking about it for like 10 whole seconds, it's still my choice. As for who should star in it.....Maybe Ewan MacGregor as Aziraphale and Johnny Depp as Crowley...but that's in part because I like the whole I'm-an-actor-but-I-can-sing-a-bit-too thing....Maybe Ellen Page as Anathema....

What movie do you wish was a book? I have no idea. I keep staring at this question in dismay. It's like I've completely blanked. Totally. I kept thinking of movies and then realizing they actually are books, just not ones I've read. Are there any movies that aren't also books? Memento is based on a short story, but a full length novel with a similar narrative structure would be interesting. I suppose they could turn Magic Mike into a nice, dirty read.

If you had to cast your life as a movie, what actress would star as you? My first answer is Emma Stone, but only because I have had three people on separate occasions say I look like her....if she was a bit overweight, a bit shorter, and way less smooth (aren't they all so freaking smooth?) 

5 New Questions for Jenners
  1. Family Guy, The Simpsons, or South Park?
  2. Cliffhanger endings or pointless second installments?
  3. Oranges or grapes?
  4. Plumber's cracks or hairy knuckles?
  5. Garden hoses or bonfires?
To be clear, I expect full answers to these undeveloped questions.....


  1. Oh I would love to look like a smoother shorter heavier Emma Stone! She is adorable! And I can't believe you blanked on your own question! I always assume you had some stuff in mind when you asked them.

    Can't say I'm thrilled with your new questions however!

  2. I haven't seen Magic Mike yet, but it's definitely on my list.

  3. Emma Stone, huh? I don't see it. She looks too cunning and clever for her own good. I'm thinking her role in Zombieland of course.

  4. Good Omens as a musical, that would be amazing!


Talk to me baby!