30 October 2012

Madison Monthly: Turning 9 Months Old

The Basics
Sorry for the delay (I'm sure you were concerned) but I wanted to wait to post the monthly update until after the doctor's appointment; that way I can let you know that Madison is 21 lbs 6 oz and 30 1/2 inches. She's one tall baby.

Eating and Sleeping
She's random. That's really the thing here. For the most part, she eats really well, hogging down baby food. This month she has also had bread, au gratin potatoes, pluots, bananas, toast and jelly, crackers, biscuits, boiled red potatoes, and errr...I think that's it. While she enjoys eating these new foods, she is not a fan of feeding herself. She actually won't pick up a piece and put it in her own mouth. I've seen her open her mouth, bend over, and get a piece off the tray; but for the most part, she opens up and stares at you until you feed her. We're working on it.

While she won't put actual food in her mouth, she has no problem eating other things: like headbands, socks, decorative flowers, etc.

Sleeping did a 360 and went back to crapola. The Ferber method worked, and M was falling asleep within minutes of being laid in the crib. Then she learned how to sit up and it all went to pot. We are back to multiple awakenings, most of which require a lot of rocking and possibly even a bottle. Hopefully that will end soon. Mommy needs her shut eye.

Behavior and Development
She could walk if she would just let go of our hands. Honestly it's kind of funny (if a bit annoying). M wants to do nothing but walk, around and around and around the house, all day, every day. Now that we are walking together side by side holding hands, it no longer feels like my spine is going to rip from my back, but it's still not all that fun... She's so used to holding hands that she almost refuses to walk without a hand. I'll stand her in front of me, facing Brian or one of the grandmas, and she'll be flailing her arms behind her, searching for one of my hands. If we do get her to walk, she ends up launching herself at the nearest available hand. Crazy baby. She can walk roughly five feet or so before getting excited or ADDed into falling.

She's been trying to stand up without help....

Had I taken another picture, you would see M falling over quite spectacularly...

Social Stuff
M loves people, and they love her. I won't lie...my daughter is seriously cute. She loves going to the store, making her squinty eyed smile at everyone she sees and randomly screeching in delight.

We recently took her out to dinner where she carefully reviewed the menu:
And then hailed the waitress:

Mommy Notes
I'm tired. Not really a new thing. I average 3-4 hours of sleep a night, and I'm more of a 9-10 hour/night kind of girl. Someday M will sleep...I've been assured of this. I just hope it's not 12 years down the road....

I am managing to get some more reading time in at night; I've pretty much given up television these days. I do miss those long stretches of reading I used to indulge in..in which I used to indulge. There is nothing quite like reading for 4-5 hours in a row. Ahhh, the good old days.

Her Nicknames (in order of use, 1 being most often):

Nutter is still up there; it's just a sort of permanent nickname I'm thinking. I have taken to calling her Beautiful and Gorgeous from time to time. Really though I am trying to call her Madison as much as possible. Name recognition and all that.

The Pictures
 I refuse to sit still while you take my picture....
 Who says I can't wear a giant skirt?
 I am about to do something super-naughty.
 M now knows the oh-so-fun-game of How big is Madison? Soooo big!
 Doesn't she just look thrilled to be taking a picture with me?
 Hey, take a look at this toy.
 Hey Grandma...smell my foot...

 Here daddy, I'll unzip you while you unzip me. And now we all say Awwwww
 All of a sudden she knew how to take her shirt off...


  1. The longer it takes her to walk on her own, the longer you get to wait before you have to be concerned with the consequences of walking on her own. With each successive kid, I wanted them to wait longer and longer to walk!!! Ambrose was like Madison, though. For months, he would walk with a hand, and he even got to where he would stand on his own for half an hour, squatting down and playing with toys, then standing back up, all without any sort of support, but he Would Not Walk. He even climbed up onto the window sill, but Would Not Walk. Not until he was a few days shy of his first birthday. Crazy kid. :D

    1. I can totally see the logic of wanting them to wait. And I think it's hilarious he would squat and stand but not walk.

  2. What a wonderful summary and picture album! She is growing up so fast!!!

    1. This may be my only photo album as I am ridiculously behind on ordering prints. :)

  3. I love how you post these updates and share your tales of motherhood with us! Madison is growing up to be a beautiful little thing, and so dogged at learning to walk and do things for herself. Though I can imagine that you want her to learn to put the food in her mouth, I think her way is just adorable. I also love the clothes you choose for her. She is one rockin baby!

    1. It is kind of cute to watch her insistent eyes staring at you until you do what she wants... :)

  4. HAHAHA! This girl cracks me UP! I seriously hope you and I are still in touch when she is, like, 12. I want to see that. She will be walking soon, I tell you. She isn't taking no for an answer, she is determined. And I hate to say this, but the long stretches of reading time probably aren't going to happen until she moves off to college. That is just the way it is turning out for me.

    1. Oh god oh god oh god oh god... college? but that's like forever away! :)

  5. So stinkin' cute. You're making me want a little girl, and my ovaries should not be a-wanting. Gah!

  6. I'm so so sorry to hear about the sleep issues falling apart. I'm a 9 to 10 hour girl myself and did not thrive during the whole "I can't sleep through the night" phase of babyhood. It is why he ended up sleeping with us. He slept so I slept. Then we had a hard time getting him out … but it was worth it. Sleep is so precious.

    She is darn cute! Those eyes!!!!!! They could pierce metal I think!!

  7. Madison is seriously cute cute cute. And 9 months! I remember thinking at 9 months that I'd known Elle for as long as I had carried her (well, minus those few extra weeks thrown in to equal 40 that no one tells you about). But man, M looks like she has NO shortness of spunk and personality. What a cutie!!

    I'm sorry about the sleep. Elle was up three times this week and I had forgotten how exhausted it is to have interrupted sleep. You WILL sleep again--and she will, too. Maybe teething? Either way I do hope it gets better!

  8. I predict yoga in her future. Pretty sure that was the down dog pose she was showing off.

  9. That skeleton outfit is the cutest!

  10. "Nutter" is so cute. And she looks a bit feisty. I like that!


Talk to me baby!