08 June 2014

Currently | Active and Tired

Time and Place // 8:06am, on the couch with Madison who is watching YouTube videos on my phone....like always

Eating and Drinking // Water. Lots and lots of water.

Reading // I can't seem to get into a book right now. I've read the first few pages of Cinder, The Mad Scientist's Daughter, Everything Beautiful Began After, and The Thief, but all were put down and forgotten shortly after. I need a book to get me out of this slump, but nothing is popping out at me right now. At least nothing that I own - and since I have more unread books on my shelves than most people have books total, I feel just wrong buying a new one.

Watching // After the joy that was Veronica Mars, I haven't really gotten into anything else. I finally finished up the last season of Vampire Diaries, still a favorite but losing interest, and the last few episodes of Crisis - eh?. What do you guys think of Crisis? I am torn between frustration and interest.

Listening // I'm heading to a Lady Gaga concert in July, so I've been on a Gaga kick lately, but I've mixed it up with some Sufjan Stevens for variety.

Blogging // Blogging's been scarce lately, but I did post my review of Pilgrim's Wilderness, which was edifying and horrifying, and I definitely recommend picking it up. Who doesn't want to read about a crazy religious fanatic who essentially squats - aggressively and openly - on national parkland? Once I get in gear, I'll have reviews of Ellen Raskin's The Westing Game and Rainbow Rowell's eleanor & park.

Loving // All this time I'm spending with Madison! We've been to parks and playgrounds, the Exploration Station, stores and malls; we've been walking, swimming, playing dress up, doing doll's hair, and watering flowers.

Hating // All this time I'm spending with Madison. It's exhausting.

Teaching // I've had the past three weeks off, but summer classes start tomorrow. I'm only teaching two classes, and they are both online so I don't have to be on campus unless I have a meeting. Whoop! Whoop!
Wishing // I had time to binge watch the new season of Orange is the New Black!

Anticipating // The Lady Gaga concert. From what I hear, the woman can put on a show. I also can't wait for the new season of Falling Skies...when's that coming?


  1. Ooh I hope you write about the Gaga concert. Adore her.

  2. I had high hopes of watching a bunch of OITNB this weekend. It hasn't happened yet. Maybe today? I finally finished all of The L Word so I can move on now. Isn't Netflix the BEST/WORST?

    Midget gasoline thieves, ha! I hear ya.

    Have a good week!

  3. The Lady Gaga concert sounds like fun! You and Madison and been doing so much lately, no wonder you're exhausted! :-) I hope you're able to relax today before classes start back.

  4. Ah, those toddler days! I remember so well. I know everyone says they'll pass quickly, so enjoy them - and at the time I was annoyed by that trite statement - but it really is true. My youngest will be a teenager in November - and my oldest will be 18 in December! Ack.

  5. I think I'm the only person in the world not watching Orange is the New Black. I've come this close to buying the book numerous times, but have yet to cave.

  6. I've been having a hard time getting into books lately too. I've started a bunch of good ones, but keep getting distracted. I hope you find a good book soon!

  7. Hahahaha! Midget gasoline thieves. Yes, yes, yes. Greyson has also been obsessed with YouTube videos lately--mostly of other people's families doing inane things like trick-or-treating.


Talk to me baby!