02 November 2014

Currently | 2 November

Time and Place // 7:26pm on the couch

Eating and Drinking // Just finished some delicious lasagna with a big glass of milk

Reading // I am listening to The Martian in the car, absolutely awesome. Reading Heart of Darkness on the nook, re-read of a book I hated so.... Reading Freakery (brain bending), The Secret Garden (wonderfully easy), and Dear Committee Members in print. I typically don't polygaread, but for some reason I've been incapable of monogamy lately.

Listening // Mainly I've been listening to The Martian, but when Goose is with me, it's still Frozen, at the top of our lungs with lots of emotion and facial expressions.

Feeling // My insides getting the crap kicked out them. This fetus is massively more energetic than Madison was, and he better grow up to be some sort of world renowned soccer player with how often and how hard he kicks me. Every now and then he kicks my belly button. The inside of my belly button. I don't like people touching my belly button from the outside, and from the inside is worse. It's creepy. What is also creepy is how visible this kicking is from the outside. My stomach moves, my shirt moves, I may even be able to hear it happening. Crazy business.

Watching // I binge watched the first three episodes of this season's The Walking Dead, and man do I still love that show. Totally freaky, well acted, unpredictable, and a beautiful combination of believable and extreme.

Wishing // I wish I had a TA. Seriously. I need someone to grade for me as it is the bane of my existence these days. I remember enjoying grading years ago. Now it feels like this giant time suck that isn't beneficial to anyone as according to studies, students aren't even reading the comments I make on their papers, and the ones who are reading the comments don't actually use those comments to improve their writing; the comments are merely justification for the grade received. Pfffft.

Loving // Halloween!!! This was the first year I brought Madison trick-or-treating, and we only made it to one house - the farm. Then we had to drive back into town, and on the way she fell asleep, so we just headed to grandma's. She handed out candy to 146 people!!! This is about half our normal number, but as it was snowing I was impressed we even had that many.

Anticipating // On Nov. 17 I start my first class in 10 years. Excitement and anxiety are warring within me. Nuff said about that. I am also excited about Nonfiction November. I have posts ready to go, some nonfiction books waiting to be read, and high hopes for the month.

Hating // My computer screen broke and now I need to buy a new laptop. My screen looks like this:

It's sort of beautiful in an iceberg sort of way, but dammit. I don't even know what to get these days I am so out of it. Or should I try to replace the screen? Any advice would be much appreciated.

Promoting // The Raven Cycle, Maggie Stiefvater's amazing YA series that is just so beautifully written. The third book in the series, Blue Lily, Lily Blue just came out, and I am encouraging you to run out and buy it now - well, as long as you've read the first two books in the series. If you haven't yet, still go buy book 3 but make sure you pick up 1 and 2 along with it.

How's everyone else doing today?


  1. "Polygaread" :D And yeeeeeeeeeees everyone needs to read The Raven Cycle. I want the 4th book now, except I also kind of don't because then it will all be over.

    1. Exactly! It's such a double edged sword. The pain of waiting must be weighed against the pain of it being all over.

  2. Yes yes yes!!! BLLB was amazing. I can't wait to actually OWN these books.

    That computer screen...wow.

  3. Awwwww. I love baby kicks. Well, except for in the middle of the night. Both of my girls were kickers...get ready for another nonstop baby! And ugh, yes Frozen. Evie LOVES Let it Go. She's 14 months. I don't even understand this but she goes crazy when the song comes on.

    The Martian is fantastic on audio, huh? I wasn't crazy about the book as a whole but I did love the audio.

  4. My mom usually has massive amounts of trick or treaters at her house, but they were down this year since there was an out of town football game. Texas...

  5. Computer screens tend to be an expensive repair. I've been told it CAN be worth it if your computer's a Mac, but if you've got a PC, and it's two years older or older, you might as well just buy a new laptop rather than pouring money into an old one.

    YAY to Blue Lily Lily Blue! How I love those books!

  6. We said the exact same thing when Pim was kicking my insides all the time. He doesn't show much promise of hitting a ball yet at 10 weeks old, but he does love to kick still when he's happy ;)

    Congratulations on the pregnancy, btw!

  7. I remember those days of being pummeled from the inside! Long time ago, though.

    Very excited about book three of the Raven Cycle. I have it on my iPod to listen to (the audios are amazing!), but have to finish listening to Huck Finn, first, in order to stay ahead of Noah in his Lit class.

    I'm curious as to why you're rereading Heart of Darkness when you hated it the first time.

    1. I read some really great reviews of it and thought maybe my age had to do with my hatred. Then as fate would have it, today I found out that it is one of the books I have to read for my lit course. Serendipity.

    2. I'll be interested to hear whether nor not your opinion has changed. :)

  8. I want to read The Martian on audiobook! It's only available in my library's digital collection as an e-book, but it seems like one I would really enjoy in audiobook. Maybe it will come through later...


Talk to me baby!