30 November 2014

Currently | 30 November

Time and Place // 9:30pm, relaxing on the couch

Eating and Drinking // Just devoured a Smoked Gouda Burger which was delicious

Reading // Things are a bit crazy right now as my reading time is split between reading for my Lit Theory course, reading for pleasure, and reading for parental meltdowns. In other words I'm in and out of all the following books:

Watching // I'm actually not watching anything too seriously at the moment; I am, however, saving up episodes of The Walking Dead in anticipation of binge watching that wonderful show sometime in the near future.

Blogging // Blogging has been rather consistent lately which has me very happy. Recently, I've posted reviews of Dear Committee Members, The Martian, and The Secret Garden. I've also posted about Hating and Re-Reading books since I'm re-reading TWO books I hated the first time around. This week I have three posts scheduled: two answering the Classics Club Questionnaire and one reflecting on Audio books. Soon, very soon I hope, I will write reviews for Beauty, Heart of Darkness, and Turn of the Screw.

Anticipating // Christmas Break! It's coming people. Three more weeks of intense grading, random student requests for extra credit, and last minute efforts to actually teach them something, and I will be done with the semester.


  1. Yes, smoked gouda on EVERYthing, including pizza! :--)

  2. Smoked gouda burgers sound fantastic! I wonder how smoked gouda would taste on black bean burgers....

    I hear you about Christmas break. I'm not a teacher, but I grew up with two teachers and know firsthand how much they looked forward to that time of year. I'm just looking forward to time off of work before I head into the new year and everything that entails for accountants!

  3. Smoked gouda burgers and binge watching The Walking Dead! Nirvana. :)

  4. Aww man, a smoked gouda burger. Sounds delicious. I haven't had a good burger in such a long time.

  5. I have a hard time with my own kids leading up to Christmas break (I homeschool) - I can't even imagine dealing with a classroom full! I am so looking forward to our break. Our days off for Thanksgiving were hectic and full of much too much extended family time.

    And the smoked gouda burger is making me drool.


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