01 December 2014

Classics Club 50 Question Survey Part 1 and Giveaway

Just for fun The Classics Club put together a 50 question survey. And just for fun I decided to fill it out; although I did not fill out every question, and I separated it out into two posts. So without further ado: 

Share a link to your club list. My Way Too Long List

When did you join The Classics Club? How many titles have you read for the club? I have read 23 of the (continually growing) list of almost 200 classics.

What are you currently reading?      What did you just finish reading?
Currently Reading                Just Finished

What are you reading next? Why? No Clue. Until my grad class is over, I see my reading limited to the books for the course (the two mentioned in the previous question) and maybe some very light reading material.

Best books you’ve read so far with the club:

Book you most anticipate on your club list?

Book on your club list you’ve been avoiding:

First classic you ever read? No Clue. I started reading classics in grade school.

Toughest classic you ever read? Too difficult to determine and define. Lolita was a tough read, due to content not language. Other classics are difficult because of vocabulary, ambiguity, unknown allusions, etc.

Classic that inspired you?
Written so damn well...

Favorite biography about a classic author you’ve read — or, the biography on a classic author you most want to read, if any? Yeah, I don't really care about authors. Is that bad of me? 

Which classic do you think EVERYONE should read? Why? 

Favorite movie adaption of a classic? Hate the book, Love the movie

Classic which hasn’t been adapted yet (that you know of) which you very much wish would be adapted to film.

Least favorite classic? Why? Ambiguous, racist, sexist, 

Name five authors you haven’t read yet whom you cannot wait to read. Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Charles Dickens, D.H. Lawrence, Anthony Trollope, H. Rider Haggard

Which title by one of the five you’ve listed above most excites you and why? 
I want to know her secret....

If a sudden announcement was made that 500 more pages had been discovered after the original “THE END” on a classic title you read and loved, which title would you most want to keep reading? 
Or, would you avoid the augmented manuscript in favor of the original? Why? I would try to avoid it at all costs - especially if I already loved the story. Eventually however, I would cave and read the extended edition.

Favorite children’s classic?

What about you guys? I would love to know your answers to any or all of these questions, and to motivate you to answer....a giveaway! You can win any of the books mentioned above by simply answering one of the above questions and letting me know which book you would like to win in the comments.


  1. My favorite classic adaptation will probably always be Wizard of Oz.

    Did you see One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? It's pretty solid. I watched it a few years ago; that's what led me to read the book.

  2. Oh gosh, I should really do this. I joined the Classics Club way back when but it's been forever since I've even looked at the list :( That's awful! I've read a decent amount of classics recently but haven't bothered to review or link up. Boo to me!

    Did I put War & Peace on my list? Yikes, hope not, lol. (See what I mean? I don't even remember what's on my list. Sheesh.)

  3. Don't avoid War & Peace!! Not only does it give you fantastic bragging rights, it really is an outstanding book. It is the quintessential Russian novel.

    You have a great list here, and you REALLY need to read Charles Dickens soon. I have loved every novel I've read of his.

  4. Trollope is definitely at the top of my "haven't read yet" list. I HAVE to pull one of his books off my TBR shelf this year!


Talk to me baby!