31 January 2015

Goals: January Update

As many of you know, I set quite a handful of goals for myself this year. In the past month, here's how I've fared:

Books and Blogging
1. Read 50 books: I only read one book this month (Smoke Gets in Your Eyes), and I haven't even written the review yet. Most of my reading this month revolved around my research paper analyzing how the narratological elements in Heart of Darkness contribute to the ambiguity of the story. Now that the class is over, I will have more time to dedicate to pleasure reading.

Goals 2-4. Post at least 2x/week, Post about the family at least 2x/month, Post about teaching at least 2x/month: Success!

Goals 5-6. Clear 300 books off the shelves, Reorganize my bookshelves to better see the TBR piles: No progress

Food and Drink
1. Cook a "real" meal at least 1x/week: The first two weeks were a success, but after having a baby in Week 3, things went downhill, and I relied on meals I had frozen ahead of time, Schwann's, and takeout to carry us through that week. Week 4 was back to me being awesome and actually making dinner...well twice, but still that covers the goal.

Goals 2-4. Freeze at least two meals a month, Cook at least two new recipes per month, Organize my recipes and cookbooks: Yeah, not so much with the whole new baby and all. I did get started on the recipe/cookbook organization, but I'm still finalizing exactly how I will be accomplishing this task.

5. Try at least 10 new types of wine: The night I got home from the hospital, I popped open a bottle of Lakeridge Southern Red. Delicious. My grandparents winter close to this vineyard and brought back wine for me. Apparently you are supposed to drink this slightly chilled, but I'm a fan of room temp for this one.

6. Try at least 5 new types of vegetable: No new veggies this month

7. Eat fruit at least 3x/week: Weeks 1 and 3 were a success, and may I just say that the pineapple I had in Week 1 was possibly the best pineapple I've ever eaten. I'm not sure what happened in Week 2...and Week 4 I just never went shopping.

Health and Fitness
1. Lose 50 pounds (back to pre-babies weight): Well the baby's out, so I am sure I lost weight. Unfortunately, my scale's juices are gone, and I haven't gone shopping to buy a new battery yet. :)

Goals 2 and 4. Exercise 30 minutes/day, 3x/week (once with the kids), Stretch (separate from exercise) at least 4 days/week: As I was pregnant, then in delivery, and then in pain, neither of these goals were accomplished this month. I have high hopes for February though.

3. Take a daily multivitamin: Kind of easy this month as I was, for most of the month, pregnant and on pre-natal vitamins. I only missed two days which, for me, is really quite impressive. I'm terrible at remembering to take pills.

Home and Organization
1. Get picture albums up-to-date and organized: I am really making headway on this. I have all the pictures in albums, and I ordered Shutterfly books for every special event through December 31, 2014. This is quite the accomplishment as I had not done so since September 2013. The next part of the project is tackling all of the loose pictures I have from decades ago. Honestly, I have no idea where they all come from, and they span over two decades. Some, I'm pretty sure, are doubles from back when you used to order doubles - you know, way back when we used film which was developed at photo shops in places like Walgreens.

2. Do at least 1 load of laundry during the week instead of saving it all up for Sunday: Weeks 1 and 4 were a success, but Weeks 2 and 3, not so much.

3. Maintain a more detailed, more organized schedule/planner - and check it multiple times per day: Totally rocking this out. I have one calendar for blogging, and one for personal, education, and work, and I'm, so far, really staying on top of listing my tasks and referring to the calendar(s) multiple times a day.

4. Reorganize the kitchen: I didn't get very far on this one this month; although I did clear out a whole shelf to dedicate to baby bottles and food.

5. Make a family memory book: No progress here

Work and Education
1. Develop a learning objectives packet for each class: I have packets completed for my Film Studies and Intro to Literature course. I need to get started on the packets for Fundamentals of Writing, English I, and English II.

2. Finalize the How to Earn an A handbook and quiz for each class: The handbook is up-to-date, but the quizzes are not complete.

3. Take at least two graduate courses in literature: I just finished my Introduction to Literary Theory course, my first grad class in a decade. May I just say that writing a 20 page research paper analyzing Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness from a narratological perspective the week after giving birth was, uh, interesting.

4. Decide on pursuing a second Masters or a Doctorate: This is a decision that's going to take some time. I've always wanted a Doctorate, but the time required to do so is rather daunting now that I have two children.

5. Develop standard rubrics for all assignments: No progress

Family and Fun
1. Write a letter to Madison and Carter at least 1x/month: No problem completing this task as babies were on my brain all month as I awaited Carter's arrival.

Goals 2-5. Go on at least four family outings (zoo, pumpkin patch, botanical gardens, aquarium, etc.), Attend at least one adult event (concert, play, etc.), Get professional family photos (and make family memory book), Exercise with Madison (and Carter) at least 1x/week: No progress

How I feel after this month:
I miss the Golden Girls.


  1. How you can even find time to LIST goals with a new baby is beyond me! I will be inspired by anything you accomplish!

    1. Thanks! I appreciate the feeling of awesome you just gave me. :)

  2. I think you are setting some pretty high standards for yourself, considering you just had a baby! Goodness! This is like 8 times more ambitious than anything I would do, and my kids are fairly self-sufficient!

    1. Specific goals like this help me not go crazy for some reason.

  3. Yeah...so...new babies. They aren't terribly conducive to goal-completion! You're doing pretty good I think! I told you before how much I liked your wine goal. I tried six new-to-me wines this month. Which sounds like a lot until you realize that 1) most of that wine went into cooking after I tried it, and 2) I've barely tried any wines at all, so they're almost ALL new-to-me. I really liked three of them. Two were so-so and I didn't mind using them all up in cooking, and one was awful and I wouldn't drink more than a sip. :D

    1. Six in one month! I love it. Are you going to blog about them? I would love the suggestions.

  4. My goodness, woman! I think you are putting ALL of us to shame with how much you have accomplished in one month in addition to delivering a baby and juggling a household with two children. Seriously, you became my new hero.

    Have a great week!

  5. How do you do it all? Simply amazing. I know people used to tell me that all the time when my kids were younger but now that it's just me, I really don't know how I did it all or how you do it all. I barely have time to do what I want. (ok, that's an exaggeration)

    First, where did you find the pic of Goals at or make? I suck at this and waste so much time trying to create. Second, I can NOT believe you wrote that paper after having a kid! Thanks for pointing out Shutterfly. I remember ordering doubles of pics. I miss "real" pictures. I miss taking photos to Walgreens or whereever and seeing what they look like. The hits and misses. I really want to have photo books of my travels. Old Fashioned but I like to look back. Now I know how to get the photos off my phone and onto paper. Thanks. I really enjoy your teacher posts. Keep on please. I live vicariously through them as I went to college to be a teacher and am not one right now.

  6. To echo everyone else's comments, my god. I don't get this much done, and I don't have ANY children. You're an inspiration!

  7. GIRLLLLLLLLLLL. I have to admit that I have maybe laughed out loud enough times that someone is rolling his eyes at me. You need to go ahead and take a chill pill for the rest of February. I mean it! :P

    But really, I kind of like how you have them all written out. Though I think that might also overwhelm me more? Do you have a master list somewhere?

    Hmmm...maybe we can challenge each other to get rid of some books. I need the motivation and it sounds like you do, too (you know that I write these things with love, right??). Also working out. Ugh. I did work out three days in a row!!! Though I also stopped taking my birth control today. So.

    1. I have to write things out in detail to motivate myself. :) I have a master list that I've linked in the header for the blog.

      I definitely need motivation to get rid of books; I hate hate hate thinning the shelves. I would have a full-on library if I could.

      AAAHHH! You are trying for a third! Yay!


Talk to me baby!