01 February 2015

Currently | 1 February 2015

Time and Place // 8:56pm on the couch

Eating and Drinking // Today I shall dine upon Crockpot Meatballs, Cheesy Meaty Dip, Spicy Jam Dip, Veggies and Dip, and Cake. We are having Madison's birthday party today, so you know...YUM!

Reading // Lately I have been entirely immersed in my readings for my final Intro to Lit Theory research paper. So I've been reading and re-reading Heart of Darkness along with theoretical books and essays on narratology. I have to submit my paper tonight, so I'll be able to finally get some pleasure reading in soon.

Watching // I haven't really binged on anything recently, but I'm ready to change that. I can't decide between Warehouse 13 which I haven't seen and re-watching Torchwood, a show I particularly loved. Any opinions?

Listening // I just started season 1 of Serial, and I'm hooked. I realize I am late to the game here, but hey at least I finally have arrived.

Blogging // Blogging has been slow this past week as I adapt to life with a new baby in the house. My only posts were an announcement of the new baby and a recap of my goals for the month.

Contemplating // Where my education is heading. I have a BA in Media Studies: Film and Television Production and Analysis and an MA in Writing. I've been playing with the idea of furthering my education for years, but it has always fallen by the wayside. In November, I finally turned thought into action and signed up for Introduction to Literary Theory. My plan was to take the course, see how I liked it, and make a decision on my future education with a bit of experience under my belt. After all, going back to school with a full time job and two children not yet in school is quite the decision.

Now that the class is over, I'm still confused. I know I want to continue taking courses, but I can't decide if I want to pursue a second Masters (in Literature), go for my doctorate, or just take random classes. I get a raise for every 3 classes I take whether I am part of a program or not. I may be posting about this over and over and you may get very, very sick of hearing about it. I apologize in advance.

Why does my formatting go haywire if a gif is the last item posted?


  1. Ohh, that does sound like a tough spot (one I'm in , too, right now!). It's neat that you have a monetary incentive to take courses regardless.

    Congrats on the new baby! It's remarkable you managed to get anything posted this week. ;)

    Enjoy your munchies and your Sunday!

  2. I hear that Warehouse 13 takes a few episodes to get good, so if you do decide to go that direction, keep that in mind. I want to binge on something myself this month, but I'm undecided as to what.

  3. Happy birthday to Madison! Your menu sounds delicious!

    Good luck on your decision-making. After years of waffling back and forth, I finally decided to get my Masters in Accounting when I was pregnant with my youngest. It might have taken me a little longer than I had hoped to finish my degree, but I still did it and so can you if you decide to do it. And if not? That's okay too!

    Have a great week!

  4. I think its awesome you are even considering taking classes while working and having two very very little ones. It's a challenge. I've been there. I also love that you are as addicted to tv watching as I feel I am. Binge-watching power! lol

    I vote for you to take another random class that interests you. I think it will help you find your way.

  5. I love WH13. Have you seen Eureka? I love that too. Both of those are shows that I will go to for a random episode when nothing else is on. As for school, don't ask me. I change my mind regularly about it. :P


Talk to me baby!