07 June 2015

Pull Yourself Together

I'm sure most people say that the words they tell their children are "I Love You." I'm not even fooling myself. The phrase I most often say to my children is "Pull yourself together" or "Pull it together".

When Carter's all pukey because of his GERD, when Madison's losing it for an unknown or inappropriate reason, when either child is throwing one of those red-in-the-face, spastic, temper tantrums, I tend to suggest they pull their shit together - but I find a way to say it that does not include the remarkably appropriate term "shit." Apparently cussing at children is unacceptable behavior.

To be clear, I do not yell this phrase at my children; I say it with an amused smile on my face or sometimes a fake stern face.

So what is the phrase you most often direct towards your children?


  1. This is funny! I think the phrases my mom said most often to my siblings and me were "Life isn't fair" and "Suck it up!" I sense a theme there :)

  2. Lately, I mostly tell my teenager she is a terrible person. She always knows why.

  3. With Greyson it's "reel it in." He has a tendency to get overstimulated in large groups, or if someone is visiting he itches for attention and has a tendency to get super hyper and talk over people. "Reel it in" is my favorite version of "get your shit together."

  4. Bahahahaha! I feel a family motto forming here. Years down the road, your kids will remember this fondly. Or at least that's what my kids have told me.

  5. This is SO the phrase most often uttered by me in the classroom. That's funny because I thought it was more of a teacher thing to say. "You're not making good choices. Get it together." That was my go-to phrase!

  6. Ha! That's awesome. I can't remember what I uttered most to my kids when they were little. Maybe "not right now" heehee.

  7. Ha!!! Probably "Are you listening?" Or lately, "What did I just say?" Sigh. ;)


Talk to me baby!