20 March 2010

Giveaway: Literature

I'm finally doing a large scale giveaway in honor of my birthday - which is not until April 22 - because this way I can think about how wonderful it is to turn 30 - OMG I'm getting old - for the next 50 days.  Lovely.  Round 1 featured plays, so welcome to....

Round 2: Here There Be Literature...

Margo Lanagan's Black Juice is a collection of short stories that beautifully meld science fiction, horror, and fantasy.  As the back cover states, "Black Juice is a book of extraordinary stories - breathtakingly fierce and surprisingly tender, they explore the dark and the light, and pit the frailty of humans against implacable forces."  The prose is magnificently vivid, and the feelings the stories evoke will remain with you long after you turn the last page.  My Review

The Reader by Bernhard Schlink tackles a difficult subject and does so with grace.  A young man, Michael, finds himself involved with a woman twice his age who is passionate and mysterious.  The mystery continues when she disappears from his life.  Years later, he sees Hanna again, and he watches, shocked, as she stands trial for a horrifying crime. While I won't gush about the book - I did not love it by any means - I will say I'm glad I read it.  My Review

Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart is a critically acclaimed book, often compared to the Greek tragedies.  The back cover says of the book:  "A simple story of a 'strong man' whose life is dominated by fear and tragedy, [this book] is written with remarkable economy and subtle irony.  Uniquely and richly African, at the same time it reveals Achebe's keen awareness of the human qualities common to men of all times and places."  I feel guilt weigh heavy as I admit I have never been able to read this.  I pick it up, read the first chapter or so, and lose interest.  But I fear I may be alone in this as most seem to enjoy it.

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is a powerful story of one woman's journey of self-discovery. "Sparkling with wit, beauty, and heartfelt wisdom," this book follows Janie Crawford through three marriages.  Poor and abused, Janie refuses to become embittered, and she slowly triumphs over the hurdles life has placed in front of her.  The novel is beautifully written and celebrates womanhood and blackness.

The two stories in this collection feature Seymour Glass, a member of the family Salinger enjoyed featuring in his work.  Buddy Glass narrates the first story which is about Seymour's wedding....er, non-wedding.  Seymour: An Introduction...well I can't really tell you what that's about without giving things away now can I?  Suffice it to say that those who enjoy the Glass family - Franny and Zooey, A Perfect Day for Bananfish, Down at the Dinghy, etc. - are well positioned to enjoy these novellas; although, it should be noted that the writing style and stories are markedly different.

To be entered into the drawing, leave a comment.

Separating a bunch of "ways to get extra entries" out is time consuming for me and for those who just want to win a freaking book; however, I do want word to spread about the giveaway, so you can get an extra entry for:  Following Me (or already being one), Doing Anything to Promote the Giveaway (tweeting, blogging, blah, blah, blah).  That's a total of TWO possible extra entries.  Just let me know in your comment what you did and how many entries I should give you.

First Place:  Two of the above books
Second Place:  Two of the remaining books

Third Place:  The remaining book OR automatic second place in the next round

All entries must be in by March 31

Next Round Features Teasers:  Ludlum, Austen, Suarez, LaHaye, and Green


  1. We share a birthday! Except I'm 11 years older...I'm sure that doesn't make 30 feel any better, though. :-D

    And I've got my eye on Black Juice, so hopefully this shared birthday brings me a little luck!

  2. Me!
    jennala at cfl . rr . com

    I'll tweet it too.

  3. I actually own all of those except the Hurston book (which I'd love to own), so I probably can't enter this contest. Though if there happens to be just that book left and my name comes up, that'd be fine anyway. :D So...happy early birthday, even if it's a month early. :D

  4. This is not an entry, I just wanted to stop by and chat. ;-) When I turned 30 (which was much longer ago than I cared to admit), I had a hard time with it. it just seemed so damned ADULT. Considering I had a child and a mortgage by then, you wouldn't have thought the "adult" thing would come as much of a shock. *LOL* But there you have it.

    Turning 40 was much easier!

  5. Happy early birthday!

    I have to say that the gorgeous cover for Black Juice has me a bit spellbound...

    I retweeted.


  6. Great giveaway!

    I'm the UK so I don't know if I can actually enter (because if you're in the US lots of people don't let us enter - and with good reason too! ie postage)

    But if I can I've tweeted too!

    I'm following regardless because I found you via the blog hop and I think your blog is fantastic!

  7. Please enter me! I follow on Google Reader!


  8. I found your blog via the book blogger hop-I like the design a lot and am now a follower-I am on the fence on The Reader-I look forward to reading your future posts

  9. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has tried to read read Things Fall Apart and failed ! I've tried twice and no luck. Maybe this will be the year.
    The Reader is GREAT. I read it a few years back.
    Happy birthday !!!!!!

  10. I thought I was old when I turned 30 too ... but now I'm in my 40s so I think you're very very young. I loved my 30s by the way!!

    And I love your giveaway. And I'm with you ... too many rules make it too hard to pick a winner.

  11. I'd love to be entered for this giveaway. I'm already a follower, so that means 2 entries for me?

    Thanks! =)

  12. Happy birthday well in advance and thank you for being so generous. I dont know whether you will entertain overseas readers (bcs of high postage) but if you do please count me in.


  13. Lovely giveaway! I've had your blog in my reader and was surprised that I wasn't following. So I fixed that and am now following - for a total of 2 entries.

    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  14. I just turned 30 in November. It was kind of nerve-wracking for me to leave my 20s behind! But so far the 4 months of being 30 has been pretty good (where is some wood to knock on? lol)

    I would love to be entered into your contest, Trisha. I am already a follower. :)

  15. Birthdays are great days, and 30 is such a lovely age! I hope you will have a great day!

    "The Reader" is a book I always wanted to read so much! And I love Salinger!

    My email is rebelprince89@live.com

    +1 for following
    +1 for linking on my blog

  16. I'd like to win several of these!
    stacybooks at yahoo
    30's not so bad :)


Talk to me baby!