21 March 2010

Sunday Salon: A Whole Bunch of Nonsense

Weeks Reads 
I missed last Sunday's Salon, so this will cover the last two weeks of reading, which has been so unbelievably pitiful.  In my defense I've been pretty busy...I swear...

We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
Black Juice by Margo Lanagan
You Better Not Cry by Augusten Burroughs

Non-Review Posts

How do you recognize the achievements of other bloggers?

Are you interested in authors or not?  Again, I apologize to any authors reading...

Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books is hosting a Friday blog hop which means I'm killing my Google Reader again.

I went on one serious book buying spree after donating 100 books to my library.


I've joined two new challenges:  Hogwarts Reading Challenge and Once Upon a Time (post up tomorrow). And thank heavens, I've finished a few challenges already this year; although with each one I plan on continuing to read in that category.  Sci-Fi Reading, Women UnBound, and the GLBT Challenge were probably the first finished because they are so intriguing to me.

Giveaways:  Currently, I have five books up for grabs if you are interested!

Random Blogger Love
As part of the BiP's recognizing other bloggers activity, I thought I might drop a few lines in my Sunday Salon post.  The posts listed here are not necessarily from the past week; they might not even be in the month, but they are posts I starred in Google Reader for one reason or another. Let me just say that I could probably highlight about 50 posts a week, but I'm limiting myself.

Carrie K. at Books and Movies really sparked my interest in her post about Beastly.  I've got the book, but I'm waiting until I have easy access to the movie and then I'm going to do a one day Beastly marathon.

Melissa at The Betty and Boo Chronicles got me hungering for quesadillas with her delicious recipe.

Jenny at Take Me Away really got me thinking with her post on book to film adaptations.

So ladies and gents, how have you been lately?


  1. Thanks for the link! It's funny b/c I've been thinking about that topic for a while and now I keep coming up with all the movies I did like more than the book or where I chose to watch the movie and not read the book, lol!

  2. Your author post is very interesting. As a writer myself, I am often only interested in an author's talents. I don't need to know what they had for breakfast, and most of the time I couldn't care less about their favourite film, but I am very interested in knowing about their processes of writing etc.

    Hardy and Palahniuk are the most read authors on my shelves, and of each I have only read several. I'm definitely more of a 'is this book actually good' person than a 'OH MY GOD X has got a new book out!' person.

  3. You had some really great posts this week. I missed a lot of them because of jury duty, so I will have to make sure to go bac and look at them. BIP prompts some great activities.

  4. Don't feel bad if you think you've had a slow week or two--we all have them!!

  5. As Lola said, we all have slower/busier weeks. And at least the books you read were good ones!

    Looking forward to your OUaT post :)

  6. I think I have to avoid blog hops like the plague! I love reading blogs but one can do that for hours and not read any books!

  7. Things have been really busy around here too. I think you did a great amount of reading for a busy couple of weeks. I'm off to visit some of your other posts.

  8. I've been thinking about how to incorporate more recognition of bloggers into my posts ... maybe the starred thing will work for me too (if I remember to do it).

  9. Jenny - My thoughts work the same way; I'll have one I think is relatively definite, and only a week - even a day - later, I've changed my mind, adapted my opinion to fit new evidence. I think this makes us smart. :)

    Bethany - Ooohh Palahniuk. I've actually considered reading him specifically.

    Nicole - I am so sorry. Jury duty just sounds horrible.

    Lola - January and February were great reading months, and March is shaping up to be something of a slump; but you're right - it happens to everyone.

    Nymeth - That is very true. What I did read, I enjoyed very much.

    Rhapsody - Exactly! I've spent so much time reading other blogs that I'm not getting much done on the book reading side of things.

    Alyce - It seems March is just a busy sort of month; must be because it's the start of spring.

    Jenners - I use that star function rather often on Google, and then half the time forget to go to the starred folder (for like a month). It's a problem I'm working on. ;0

  10. I liked your author post and the blogger post especially. Even though I do notice authors and am a little bit of both, an author and a book reader.
    I can't believe you already are finished with three challenges. I didn't even get a good start on most of mine. Good job!

  11. I was thinking about joining the Hogwarts challenge, but then I felt like I had too many challenges already and I want to have some time to enjoy books that are not linked to a challenge :)

  12. Lilly - The three challenges I've finished were what I read anyway, so it's not too too much of an accomplishment. :)

    beastmomma - I think the Hogwarts challenge sort of works for whatever you read (especially Muggle Studies) so it didn't seem like too much of a burden.

  13. Thanks for linking to my review of Beastly- I hope you like it as much as I did!

  14. Carrie - I'm really looking forward to it!

  15. Looks like you're keepin' busy! I love your book-buying spree, and your generous donation- awesome!

  16. Marie - I'm about to make another donation to the library, which probably means a whole new book buying spree!


Talk to me baby!