22 March 2010

Once Upon a Time...I OD'ed on Challenges

Carl at Stainless Steel is once again hosting the Once Upon a Time Challenge, and I once again just have to sign up.  I know I'm overdoing it with challenges.  As of this moment, I can barely remember which challenges I'm even signed up for, but this one is just too perfect.  Fantasy, folklore, fairy tale, and mythology are intriguing, evocative, and just downright entertaining.

I'm going to be good on this one and only go for The Journey, which means that I can read as many as I'd like and as few as one book in one of the four categories.

My Books (Possibilities)

  1. Gods Behaving Badly
  2. The Lightning Thief
  3. The Sea of Monsters
  4. Fables: Legends in Exile
  5. Coraline 
  6. The Eternal Smile
  7. American Born Chinese  
  8. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  9. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  10. Fables: Animal Farm
  11. Beastly by Alex Finn  
  12. Trickster by Matt Dembicki 
  13. The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan 
  14. The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

When They Severed the Earth from the Sky: How the Human Mind Shapes Myth
Edith Wharton's Mythology
The Devil in Massachusetts: Story of the Salem Witch Trials
When Gods Walked the Earth: Myths of Ancient Greece (audio)
Bring on Joseph Campbell (the myth god)

I'm not at all stuck on this list, but a quick look at my bookshelves reveals these as books fitting the challenge.  I'm sure there are more up there, but for now, it's a start.


  1. Haha, I have no clue how many I'm in! I'd have to go count. Good luck on this one!

  2. I SWORE I wasn't going to join any more challenges with a new kiddo on the horizon, but this one runs just long enough that I might indulge anyway. The worst I can do is failure, and I fail at challenges all the time. No biggy. lol

  3. I'm not going to do this one, just because I'm doing the Crazy Book Slut's year long once upon a time challenge. Then again, what's the harm in double-dipping? ;)

  4. I'm SO tempted. I "joined" last year and didn't get any of my books read though....

  5. I can't wait to hear what you think of Fables :)

  6. Jenny - Challenges are so freaking addicting aren't they?

    Andi - :) That's what I say!

    J.T. - I see absolutely nothing wrong with double dipping!

    Rebecca - Join Join Join!

    Nymeth - I'm excited to start it and at the same time I keep thinking...oh, heavens, another series...

  7. Karen Armstrong's A Short History of Myth is a good one, too.
    Another good one is Mythology by Edith Hamilton

  8. Yeah!
    This will be my first of this particular challenge. And I am definitely doing way too many challenges as well... but who can resist this... :)

  9. maphead - Thanks for the suggestions!

    Shellie - Challenges are like a drug. I can't seem to get enough.

  10. You are like me, girl! Last week I realized I didn't even have some of my challenge buttons posted in the sidebar! I can't keep track of them. I just signed up for another one, too, that I will post about tomorrow. It is on Autism Awareness.

  11. Rebecca - I'm having a hard time remembering which books go with which challenges since one book will work for multiple challenges.


Talk to me baby!