05 April 2010

Little Mr. Linky Says Go Here

A Few Fun Links....

How does the science of the mind relate to literature? "Getting to the root of people’s fascination with fiction and fantasy, Mr. Gottschall said, is like “mapping wonderland.”

What does it take for you to give up on a book? "Why did I feel like such a heel for not loving "Wolf Hall"? And why did the prospect of not finishing a book fill me with shame, dread and self-loathing?"

Whose Voice is That? (a blog) has compiled a list of famous people reading audio books on Audible.com, including the scoop on what said famous folk are reading. Unfortunately, when I say 'reading', I mean narrating.  Still cool, but wouldn't it just be awesome if we knew that what they were actually reading books?!?  I really want to hear John Cleese reading Dante's Inferno, by the way. And Christopher Walken reading Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven is just creepy.

We have a president who reads.  And what is he reading you might ask?  Elementary Writing lets us know with Barack Obama's reading list.

The old education argument about classic versus contemporary literature is handled intelligently and insightfully in this post on Mad Dogs and English Teachers.

I put together this list of links because the Blog Improvement Project asked me too.  But I have to admit it was fun surfing the net (is that phrase completely antiquated now?  is there another way to say this?) to find some interesting and bookish articles.  I may have to do this from time to time just for the fun of it.


  1. Fun links! It's great when different people compile them, and each one finds new and fun things! Thanks!

  2. That first link is particularly interesting - thank you for sharing!

  3. Well, thank you for doing all that hard work for us! I want to listen to so many of those audio books, I wouldn't know where to begin. Close my eyes and pick one!

  4. I have to admit that getting a peek into the president's reading list was pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Rhapsody - It's a bit of effort to do it, but I enjoy it so much when others do it!

    Nymeth - I was really intrigued by that one too.

    Sandy - I actually thought of you when I was reading up on those audio books!

    Zibilee - Obama's reading fascinates me too. It's so nice to have a president who can read...er, not that Bush couldn't read..at least I think he could...he didn't, but he probably could right? ;)


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