10 May 2010

Birthday Books: Bad Trisha Busts BLoB Score

Okay, I went a little crazy for my birthday.  It was my excuse on three separate shopping trips to buy books (and I'm continuing the trend when I go to BEA for why I'm allowed to bring home even more books).  Sorry about the lighting on these pictures; I took them in my downstairs dungeon.

Trip #1 Galena
In one lovely antique/old books store, I found the following lovelies.
Emile Zola's Germinal had me smiling like an idiot when I saw it as Amanda over at The Zen Leaf had recently sparked my interest in the book.  Henry James' Washington Square caught my attention because of all the reviews on Crossing Washington Square such as Jen's at Devourer of Books and Jill at Fizzy Thoughts and Stephanie at Laughing Stars and well you get the picture.  Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami found its way into my bag because of Nat at In Spring it is the Dawn and Trish of Love Laughter Insanity. The Phantom of the Opera just seemed like a book I should read.  Seven Gothic Tales caught my fancy because who doesn't like Gothic tales?  Finally A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius has been on my man-you-really-should-read-this list for years.  I'm taking the plunge this summer.

Trip #2 and Trip #3 Barnes and Noble (aka The Bane of My Existence)
Now here's where I went a little crazy and had my husband giving me The Look.  The Complete Sherlock Holmes is entirely the film's faultBadass by Ben Thompson just sounds so unbelievably fun. That's right ladies and gentlemen, the first four GNs in the Fables series! We can of course blame Nymeth for this...or buy her a really fancy dinner for turning me on to this series. Unwritten by Mike Carey and Peter Gross is also Nymeth's fault as is Alison Bechdel's Fun Home; although Amanda is the one who pushed me over the edge to buy it. I bought Marked on the recommendation of one of  my students when I told her I was looking for a fun YAL series.
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe was all over the blogosphere for awhile with Jen at Devourer of Books, Fyrefly's Book Blog, and S. Krishna all offering reviews.  David Gilmour's The Film Club appealed to me as an educator and as a film buff.  Eva at A Striped Armchair and Ana from things mean a lot are entirely at fault for The Virago Book of Ghost Stories with their reviews. I was just going to buy book 8 in the Cirque du Freak series, but in my birthday bliss I just figured I'd get the rest of the series....

I started Riordan's Percy Jackson series at my library but they only have books 1 and 2.  I'm something of a book whore so I just bought the next two instead of waiting for my library to get them.  Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris was really an impulse buy so I could finish the Sookie Stackhouse challenge.  Keri Arthur's Full Moon Rising was unheard of by me, but the student who recommended Marked suggested I buy it for a more adult fun paranormal series.  I take this to mean there's sex.  The dirty kind.

So, 27 books later I'm thinking that my book buying ban has failed miserably.  And yet I must say I'm not upset by that at all, and I'm really looking forward to reading these books (pushing the other 100+ TBR books back yet again).

Oh, I also got these adorable book ends from my grandmother:
And my husband thought it was hilarious for this to be the first thing I saw the morning of my birthday:
It's a pinata!  We plan on filling it with candy and beating the heck out of it the first day the pool is open.


  1. That is quite a collection of books. Happy reading and good luck with taking it out on the Pinata :)

    - kavyen
    - http://readingbetweenpages.wordpress.com


    2) I pushed you over on Fun Home?? But I didn't even like it all that much! Well, I hope you like it loads better than me.

    3) Germinal!!!! Squeeee!!!!! :D

  3. Trisha! Go lay down! You're sick! This is crazy! But then again, yes it is your birthday so why not, right? I really don't know which book to comment on. There is so much there to talk about. I forgot about Fun Home. I'm going to order it from the library right now...

  4. Isn't going a little crazy what birthdays are for? ;) Hooray for awesome new comics! The Unwritten and Fun Home are so brilliant. I also loved Kafka on the Shore and the Eggers book. Happy reading!

  5. kayven - I'm very much looking forward to whacking the beejeesus out of that pinata!

    Amanda - Even though you didn't like it, your review still intrigued me enough that I had to see for myself!

    Sandy - I know right! I swear it really is a sickness. Now you go buy Fun Home and a few other books to make me feel better about my own spree!

    Nymeth - That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I can't wait to dig in to the Fables series some more.

  6. Well, if you can't get books with dirty sex when you're thirty, for God's sake, then when? :-D

    I read The Film Club and I liked it. It appealed to the unschooler in me, though I seriously worried about the family in the book at times. :-) I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  7. No, no, extravagance on one's birthday - especially a milestone birthday is definitely NOT a sickness! :--)

  8. What an AWESOME birthday!
    So many amazingly fabulous books! Sometimes it's good to go a little crazy.
    ANd super cool pinata - I hope someone will do something so awesome for me when I will turn 30.

  9. Why didn't you tell me we were going on a book buying spree for our birthday!?! I would've joined in...mass celebrations are always better. :-D

  10. i have Kafka on the Shore sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. and i read Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius a couple years ago (and didn't care for it much).

    that's the first time i've seen Badass on someone's shelf. one of my friends from high school is married to the author, though i haven't met him. i'll be interested to see what you think of it!

  11. Why did I think I read this already?????

    Jeez ... you did go crazy ... but you totally deserve it!

  12. Steph - I agree! 30 seems like a good age for dirty sex. :)

    Rhapsody - This is why I love you guys! You totally support my obsession.

    brizmus - It is one cool pinata!

    Jill - I should have! We could have offered moral support for the loss of money!

    Lisa - That is so cool that you know someone married to the Badass author! I just know I'm going to enjoy that book. You'll have to hook me up with his email so I can be a silly fangirl!

    Jenners - I definitely went crazy! I feel so guilty and yet so wonderfully fulfilled.

  13. No fair Trish! You have tons of great books I wanna read. :P

    Happy 30th. Glad that you spoiled yourself.

  14. Christina - Awww, it makes me feel good to hear you're jealous. Does that make me a bad person? :)

  15. Happy birthday! I like to use excuses to buy a lot of books too. Don't feel guilty on your birthday is all I can say! :)

  16. yeay! Happy birthday book log! have fun reading

  17. Wow, looks like your book buying ban is over! You have quite a collection of books there. Remember book buying bans are never in affect around one's birthday! Ha!

  18. I don't know how I missed this post... that 30 pinata is great, lol!!!

    I really want to read Phantom of the Opera too... I just recently saw the musical for the first time and it made me really interested in it.

  19. First a very happy [belated] birthday to you!!

    Second, fabulous stack of books! I really enjoyed Fun Home and hope to read Phantom of the Opera one of these days (if I can ever finish Les Miserables!). Loved Kafka on the Shore.


  20. PS--just noticed the link love--thanks. :) (my apologies--trying to get back into the whole blogging thing and am slow on the uptake).

  21. Lola - I love the unconditional support I get for book buying from blogging buddies!

    Rebecca - Thanks!

    Kathleen - Yeah, I think it just took a hiatus over my birthday. :)

    Jenny - I can't wait to beat that pinata open. I'm not sure if that's more for the candy or to kick the crap out of the number 30...

    Trish - It's a long post so it's easy to miss stuff. :) I'm very glad you are getting back into the swing of things.

  22. Happy Belated Birthday!
    You should have bought 3 more books to make it 30. Nice and even for a banner year. There is always next year to not buy books :)

    Your husband is a sweetie for getting that for you. Either have fun or badh out your anger at the number.

    Enjoy all your books and candy.


Talk to me baby!