12 June 2010

BEA Books 3: Nonfiction

Time for the second pile of wonderful books I picked up while in NYC for BEA and BBC. The first pile I offered up for your viewing pleasure included all of the signed copies.  These are the non-fiction books I walked away with.

I used to Know That by Caroline Taggart
Secrets of the Lost Symbol by John Greer
Farm City by Novella Carpenter
Hello Sunshine by Ryan Adams
Resitution by Kathy Kacer
The Adderall Diaries by Stephen Elliott
God's Guest List  by Debbie Macomber
Letter to the West by Saudi Scholars
Manhood for Amateurs by Michael Chabon
The Witness House by Christiane Kohl
The Right to Be Out by Stuart Biegel
The Burden of Guilt by Daniel Allen Butler
England's Dreaming Tapes by Jon Savage
Bronx Biannual
Poltergeist by Colin Wilson
Tattooed Love Dogs by Daniel Hallford
Sudan by Art Ayris and Ninie Hammon
Cleopatra by Stacy Schiff
Ebert's Yearbook!!!
The Wave by Susan Casey

Along with Roger Ebert's Yearbook, I'm probably most excited about Sudan, Poltergeist and The Witness House. Based on a true story, Sudan follows one father as he attempts to find his daughter after she is taken by Bedayene guerrillas. Poltergeist examines the history of destructive hauntings - namely poltergeists - and collects the numerous recorded infestations from ancient Greece to modern times. And now for something completely different... The Witness House brings readers to a 1945 villa where both the Nuremberg prosecution and defense housed their witnesses. Perpetrators and victims, together in one house.

Are there any non-fiction books you are excited about currently?


  1. Alternate versions of BEA strikes again. It is amazing to me hoe different all our lists are. I am looking forward to reading Farn city and Cleopatra.

  2. Ooh, Poltergeist sounds awesome!

  3. I've already read Manhood for Amateurs and can attest to its goodness.

    I was pretty excited by the new Mary Roach that I received.

  4. I am not familiar with any of those books so I'll look forward to hearing about them!

  5. Great list of books! I only have a few of them, so excited to see your thoughts on the rest.

  6. Ooh, I have had Farm City on my wishlist for a while! I hope you read and review it soon (hint, hint!).

  7. I really want to get my hands on Manhood for Amateurs. I loved Chabon's first essay collection and I think I'd love this too. Enjoy your new books, Trisha!

  8. Nicole - It really is crazy just how many books were there.

    Amanda - I think I may start a fling with Flux publishing...

    Jill - I wanted that Mary Roach book but just could not wait in line for it.

    Lola - I wasn't familiar with very many of them before BEA, so I understand.

    Amy - It's amazing how different everyone's BEA piles are.

    Aarti - I love the hint! Assuming I don't fall so in love with it that I have to hoard it, when I'm done with it, it's yours!

    Ana - As long as I don't love it so much I have to secret it away on my shelves (which I'm really trying not to do these days), you can certainly have it when I done reading it.

  9. "Tattooed Love Dogs" is kind of the best title ever.

  10. Farm City and the Chabon book both look good to me!

  11. I am stunned to hop about and find other people who went to BEA and I never met there -I am also astounded at the different books everyone received. I just got my second box this week-once again I only have one book that you do-the Michael Chabon book-I cannot believe I missed the Cleopatra book-who is the author I need ot put that on my list.

    Good for you with your accomplished goals-word to the wise-do not play with the template on your blog-use a dummy blog=I wasted about 12 hours trying to retrieve my blog-many twitter sos and a posting-sent many messages my way to help with my clumsy push of a button.

  12. Oh ... you scored one of my favorite reads of this year ... Michael Chabon's "Manhood for Amateurs." I am in LOVE with that book!

  13. I can't wait to hear what you think of Cleopatra. That's the one book that I wanted that I didn't get. Happy reading!


  14. Cass - I agree. I don't even really know what it's about; I totally got it for the title.

    Kim - Those seem to be the most popular books on the list!

    Esme - I know! I'm going to be more social next year and really get around to as many people as possible.

    Jenners - I guess that should be my next read since so many are praising it.

    Anna - I'll put your name in the book, and if it's one I'm not keeping, I'll send it to you!


Talk to me baby!