19 June 2010

Where I Stop Abusing my Books and Start using Sticky Notes

I, ladies and gentlemen, am an abuser of books. I dog-ear, break spines, write in margins, cheeto-fy, and otherwise make my books look like dirty little urchins with no access to showers or clean clothes.

Now that I've started giving away my books, I feel a stronger sense of responsibility to not abuse my books so horribly.  But what's a girl to do? I am 30 years old and have been beating up my books all this time.

Then CSN asked if I'd like to do a review and giveaway on my blog, so I started looking through their catalog - which includes bookcases, pillows, blankets, lights, shoes, cooking supplies, and on and on and on - and I came across these wondrous little beauties.

I know what you are thinking....sticky notes are not exactly some creative new idea, but I'm going to try my best to start using these instead of bendingbreakingmarking my books.

And two of you will get to experience the joy of sticky notes too!  If you are interested in receiving a set of sticky notes, leave me a comment telling me the worst thing you have done to a book.  Be sure to put your email address in the comments section as well!  Oh, and I'll even send you a book along with the sticky notes...


  1. The worst thing I have done to a book is probably rip out a page and scrunch up the page and put the page in the bin.

    Mind you, it was a thing I was meant to do, as it is a page from Wreck This Journal. xD

    I always feel like I *own* the book when I make little marks, because then it feels worn and awesome, but I also feel guilt because it means it isn't pristine anymore.

    Thanks <3

  2. Well, I always break the spine of books so that they will lie flat! Also I read in the bath and have occasionally dropped a book in...

  3. I tend not to be too harsh on my books, but I've read Pride & Prejudice so much that the book is actually falling apart.

    I can always use more sticky notes.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    savvyverseandwit at gmail

  4. I too have opened more than one book too aggressively, having the spine break and all the pages fall out.

    nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

  5. Wow! Those sticky notes are awesome! I'm a HUGE fan of using sticky notes. Makes all my books look very colourful.

    I never, ever, have deliberately done anything bad to a book. I love my books and dote on them. Most look like they haven't been read, judging by the spine.

    So the worst I've done is drop a book in the bath.

    WAIT! Tell a lie! I got horrendously drunk after my final exam for my undergraduate course and was sick all over my copy of Crime and Punishment. Urgh.

  6. Oh, and my address is bethany.anderson26@gmail.com

  7. No need for undue guilt here, as I have done everything you have! Broken spines, dog-ears, chicken wing sauce on the pages (hey I like to eat and read at the same time!). But I think the worst thing I've done, mind you when I was a bit younger, was rip a piece of a page out to wrap up used gum. Bad Sandy! Chalk it up to youth. rnawrot at cfl dot rr dot com

  8. Those sticky notes are fantastic. Believe it or not I dropped a book into a campfire - it was a total accident as I tripped and was holding it. Still, pretty bad. Thanks for the chance to win, I could really use these!


  9. Well , I don't really need a book, but those sticky notes are lovely! I don't know that I can say I'd ever done anything super-bad to a book, though. The worst I did was, with Jason's encouragement, write in my copy of The Bell Jar the first time I read it. I was so embarrassed afterward and for years couldn't even read the book. I eventually had to get a new copy and destroy the old one before I could reread it.

    (you have my email already) :)

  10. I think the worst thing i've done to a book would be to highlight stuff and write in it... but that was all in the name of high school and I wouldn't dream of doing it to a book now! :D

  11. Yikes!!! I am one of those anal people that don't do anything to books...most of my books could be sold in a regular bookstore because they don't have cracked spines, the covers aren't bent, the pages are not dog-eared...my hardbounds have plastic covers on them. I know...a bit obsessive...LOL.

    Yes, I use sticky notes to mark pages that I want to use in my reviews. And these sticky notes are fabulous.

    I guess I could say that I highlighted in a book before...but that was when I was in college and did it to my textbooks.

  12. Ooopss forgot my email...

    ktulanko AT aol DOT com

  13. Those are cute!

    I once dropped a book in the bathtub. I became more careful about tub reading after that.

    chrisbookarama at gmail dot com

  14. Ohh noooo....not the cheetos!!!

    LOL. I try my best not to beat up my books. Which is why I am always oh-so-glad anytime a publisher offers to send both the ARC (beat-up-able) AND a finished copy (nice and pretty, sans signs of wear and tear, displayed on my shelf).

  15. Cheeto-fy? Nooooo...not the cheetos! I do like to snack sometimes when I read but Cheeto's are definitely never on the menu. I'm glad you found the sticky notes--those are cute. I love the little ones that I can just tab a book w/ but also write on.

  16. I think the worst thing I've ever done to a book is drop a library book in the tub while reading to my son. Ugh! The library charged me $75 to replace Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. The retail price of the book was about $10. Now it's pretty rare for me to take a library book into the tub with me.

  17. I've dogeared books but I've never CHEETOED THEM UP!!!Horrors!

    Those are super cute sticky notes!

  18. I love sticky notes! They make writing notes so fun!

    The worst I have ever done with a book is drop one in the bathtub. It was awful. It was a good book too, although I can't remember which one now so it couldn't have been that good. I am VERY careful if I am reading in the bath and tend to even avoid bringing a book in there now.

  19. I can be pretty rough on books. I've dropped them in swimming pools, dropping one in a river once when I was fishing, and spilled a cup of coffee on one.

  20. great post. i'm a food spiller, orange chicken, ketchep, mayo mustard :( now that i have a nook though its easier to eat and read, i'm super careful though

  21. I love the picture at the top of this post :) I've gotten better about writing in books now that I have these big post-it pads I tend to use instead. I think I spilled a cup of tea on a book once -- that was a mess!

  22. I think bethany wins. :-D

    When I was backpacking across Europe space in the backpack was at a premium. So when I was finished with sections of a book I'd tear it out and throw it away.

    And I'm a food spiller. My books have had a taste of pizza, juice, and chocolate chip cookies.

  23. My books usually look used and abused too. I rarely dog-ear but if I want to remember something and I don't have post-its, I do it. I am, however, a complusive spine breaker. I HAVE to do it!

  24. It was summer, I was working in a chocolate shop, and between customers I started reading and eating. I got gooey chocolate all over the book, not really minding--and then realized the book was signed by the author (who is dead). OOPS.

  25. LOL, well having been a grad student at one point, I bend, I dogear, I mark, I do all sorts of things. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary horrible, though. I have heard of people tearing off covers and I find that just nutty.

    E-mail addy on my blog! I want me some stickies!

  26. Hi Trisha,

    I think the worst things I have ever done to a book was in the summer and reading outside and the phone rang so I put the book on the table and then set my glass of ice tea on top of it and of course ice melts and I ended up riping the cover because it was wet.

    I actually remember being a teen and one summer vacation when we stopped at a rest area I got one and my book dropped and I didn't realize it right away and my dad ran over it.


  27. The worst thing I did to a fave book of mine was dripping icecream on it. I still have the marks and hate myself for destroying a beauty


  28. I personally respect books that are 'well-read'. :P

  29. I've been known to use a pen in my books, occasionally leave chocolate behind on the pages, and to take a book in our hot tub (oh, how I miss the hot tub these pregnancy days!).
    It's nice to see others with bigger TBR piles than me :)

  30. I'm announcing the winners of those gorgeous sticky notes in my Sunday Salon tomorrow!!!


Talk to me baby!