29 July 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Who is your favorite new-to-you author so far this year?

That's the wondrous question for this week's Book Blogger Hop.  My very first thought was Justin Cronin because I'm absolutely loving The Passage which I'm reading right now thanks to Andi giving me permission to buy it. (Love you Andi).  Cronin was followed quickly by Sarah Waters because Fingersmith was such a fantastic read.  But then I got to thinking about how much I liked Paper Towns by John Green and the Knife of Never Letting Go series by Patrick Ness is just fantastic. But I also read two novels by David Ebershoff which were fantastic.

Seriously I could keep going. I've read 51 new-to-me authors so far this year, so picking one favorite would be quite impossible for me. We'll see which ones stand the test of time for me; although even that isn't too valid an indicator as I'm really not an "author person". I don't actively seek out very many authors.

What about you? Do you have a favorite new-to-you author this year? How many new authors have you read so far in 2010?


  1. Hey Trisha =)

    I'm stopping by from the Book Blog Hop

    and I'm a new Follower!

    Im not sure how many new authors I've read this year, but I have read over 130 books =)))

    Have a wonderful weekend & Happy Reading!

    Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

  2. I've been dying to get my hands on The Passage! I've heard such good things!

  3. Found you via the hop. I'm a new follower and looking forward to reading your blog.

    My blog: http://www.primoreads.com/

  4. I love your picks! Those are pretty much my favourite author discoveries of the past two years :P

  5. Stopping by for the Hop. I look forward to reading The Passage later this year. My fav new to me author for the year is Colm Toibin after reading The Master. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Thrity Unrigar and Patricia Duncker both were new to me and both very good.

  7. Trisha, that is exactly how I chose this week, the author that I think I will read years from now, it was hard to choose as there have been many amazing debut authors.

    My post for the Hop.


  8. I love you blog!!! Way cute!!! Have a fun filled weekend!

    Feel free to stop by my place Addicted To Romance

    Happy Reading!

  9. I can't tell you who my favorite new-to-me authors are because there are just so many. After reading The Passage, I can definitely understand why Cronin is one of your favorite authors now. Have a great weekend!

  10. I read Green for the first time this year as well--listened to Paper Towns then read Will Grayson Will Grayson. I look forward to discovering more of his works!

  11. Larissa - Wow that's a lot of books read already! I'm glad you stopped by.

    Jamie - I just finished it yesterday, and I have to say it's worth the time commitment (it's 766 pages).

    Janna - Nice to meet you!

    Ana - I've always known you had great taste! :)

    Mel - I've never read Toibin but I'll definitely check him out.

    Mystica - I've been meaning to read Unrigar for a while now.

    Marce - Headed over to check out your post!

    Lover of Romance - Thanks! Glad you stopped by.

    Puss - Happy Friday to you too!

    Vasilly - It's a great book isn't it? I hope you are having a great weekend too.

    Trish - I have only read the one by Green, but I did really enjoy it. I think that's another problem with picking a fave new author; will they stand the test of time?

  12. LOL, you're welcome re: The Passage. :D

    I chose Robert Goolrick as my fave new-to-me author. It was tough!

  13. Stopping by from the hop. I can't wait to read The Passage. Hope you had a great weekend!

  14. Andi - I really do appreciate it!

    Amanda - Thanks for stopping by!


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