08 January 2011

Book Blog Hop: Influential Book(s)

Book Blogger HopThe Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word!  This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!

This week's question is something I cannot answer easily: What book influenced or changed your life? How did it influence/change your life?

Absolutely nothing pops into my head. I love reading. I love books. There are definitely certain books I love more than others, but finding one which had an actual impact on my life outside of reading is not easy. A few tenuous threads are twirling through my head, but nothing strong and solid.

I could say Alan Moore's Watchmen because it was my first graphic novel and completely changed the way I viewed GNs. I could say Harry Potter because it was my first foray in YAL and started a love affair with young adult fantasy books. Or so many other books which introduced me to a new genre or form or time period or author or........

Books have influenced me to read other books, to enjoy genres and forms I hadn't tried before or was biased against. Books have also changed the way I view the world, like Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller, a nonfiction account of one white girl growing up in a war-torn section of Africa. But I can't think of a single book that has changed the way I live my life.

Perhaps I need to take more from books than I do. Or perhaps I took this question much too seriously and any and all of my above answers would have been perfectly acceptable.


  1. Ironic this is the topic since I reviewed the Maugham book yesterday that caused me to start reading again as an adult...I'd say that's a pretty big influence!

  2. Watchmen was definitely an influential book for me too! I wish I would have thought of it! :)

  3. It is definitely difficult to choose just one...books affect us in so many ways at different times in our lives. I'm adding Don't Let's Go to the Dogs to my neverending TBR list...sounds like The Kite Runner in a different country/culture/environment.

  4. Hopping through. New follower!
    I read Alexandra's book a few years ago and quite enjoyed it.
    Happy weekend!
    My Hop

  5. I don't think many books have changed the way I live my life, either. Though after reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (one I didn't LOVE due to preachy qualities, but had a good message) and The King's English, I now think more about where I purchase things.

    I have Don't Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight at home! I'll have to read it if you enjoyed it :-)

  6. Hopping by, i'm your newest follower ^-^ Please stop by my blog if you get a chance: http://blackfingernailedreviews.blogspot.com/

  7. Thanks for stopping by The Wormhole – have a great weekend – Happy reading.


Talk to me baby!