10 February 2015

Top 10: (Dis)Likes in Book Romances

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. To learn more about Top Ten Tuesday or see the list of future topics click here.

Top Ten Things I Like/Dislike When It Comes To Romances In Books

I'm splitting this one into two lists of 5, one for likes and one for dislikes. Let's get the dislikes out of the way. In order from least annoying to full on rage inducing, my dislikes are:

5. Girls Who Fall For Guys That Can't Decide If They Want to Screw or Kill Said Girls
4. Problems That Arise Purely From a Lack of Communication
3. Love Triangles Where There's No Question of Who Should/Will End Up With Whom
2. Romances Where The Guy Has to "Teach" the Girl That She Actually Does Have a Libido
1. Rape

Now onto my likes in order from "makes me kind of happy" to "thrills my soul":

5. Couples Who are Equally Awesome and Confident
4. A Happy Ending (yeah, I'm sappy that way)
3. A Plot Beyond the Romance
2. Love That Comes Slowly After Actual Verbal and Intellectual Interaction
1. Hot Passionate Sex With a Really Great Buildup (yeah, I said it, what? like you don't enjoy hot passionate sex with a really great buildup)


  1. Yep. That's exactly it. All of it.

  2. Problems That Arise Purely From a Lack of Communication

    YES. Also, everything else.

  3. Such a good list! I forgot to list the Lack of Communication one in my list, but MAN is that a huge one. I cannot watch tv shows or movies that do that either, because I end up yelling maniacally at the screen, "WHY WON'T YOU PEOPLE JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER???" and eventually leaving the room so as not to break things. (And YES to the passionate sex with great build-up. I didn't even think to list it because OF COURSE.)

  4. I would add: InstaLove - happens so often in YA books! (well, okay, I fell in plenty of InstaLove when I was a teen, but, gaaah, it was so stuuuuupid, and I would love to see more messages of how stupid it is!) LOL

  5. Oh my gosh, #4 is absolutely my top pet peeve in romances, YA novels and most television shows. If the problem is that you simply won't talk to each other, IT IS NOT A PROBLEM. Ugh.


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