18 March 2015

I Got All My Sisters with Me!

Emily from Backlist Books - who is awesome - nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, and I can't thank her enough. It's been eons since someone thought my sporadic blogging worthy of an award, and I really appreciate it!

Hardcover or paperback? Paperback all the way baby.

What 2015 book are you most excited about? Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven King, the final book in The Raven Cycle series which. I love this series.

Which blog did you discover recently that you can't believe you didn't know about? Um...Backlist Books!

Judging books by their covers: yay or nay? Absolutely. If I am reading outside my norm, a cover can make all the difference.

What's the best book outside of your regular genres/topics/authors you've read in the past year? (You can extend this time-frame if you haven't been reading adventurously lately!) I really don't have a set genre, topic, or author; although I do read less nonfiction by far. I've read quite a few amazing nonfiction books in the past year, but most recently I read Freak Show by Robert Bogdan, and I was seriously impressed. It was such an interesting topic and the history of freak shows really captured my attention for long stretches of time.

How many books do you read in a week, on average, and are you happy with your number? One. If I'm being generous. I used to average 3/week before I had kids. Ah, the glory days before children.

What's your favourite book-to-movie adaptation? Lord of the Rings. The adaptation choices didn't tick me off, and I love both the books and the films on their own. I actually was so in to this series that I wrote my Masters Thesis on "The Rhetoric of Good and Evil in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings". That's right. I'm a total geek.

Which fictional world do you wish you could move into? Harry Potter is probably the most popular answer here, and I think it would top my list, especially if I was able to head into the world AFTER the downfall of Voldemort. But I'm also a sucker for Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments world, so I may like to try out some time there.

Which books are on the top of your TBR list? Because this is Backlist Books, which books published at least a year ago are highest on your TBR?

I have hundreds of books yet to be read, almost all of which were published at least a year ago, so it's difficult to truly decide which are "highest" on the list. I keep hearing great things about Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke, and I've had that one waiting on my shelves for at least 8 years, so that's one I've been thinking about lately.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera also takes center stage as a book I bought eons ago, but haven't picked up yet.

I could go on and on about my TBR piles as they are rather ridiculous. I guesstimate that I have about 500 unread books on my shelves. Sad, I know. And let's not even get started on my nook...

On that note, I believe I am supposed to ask 10 questions and nominate some lovely lady bloggers to answer said questions....

1. What time of day do you typically read/do you prefer to read?
2. What is your strangest book related obsession?
3. Like which author do you wish you wrote?
4. Who do you think is the most over-rated author?
5. What do you think is the most over-rated book?
6. Which two authors would you like to see go head to head in a word-off (like a dance-off)?
7. I've always wanted to read Lord of the Rings in a cabin in the mountains or Nora Roberts in an Irish inn or The Woman in White in an abandoned asylum. What book-location pairing do you wish for?
8. Describe your bookish self in three words.
9. Name one of your favorite characters and what you would do with him/her if you had one day together.
10. If you had one extra day in the week, that nobody knew about and didn't count, what would you with it?

And the nominees are....

Amanda from The Zen Leaf
Trish from Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity
Aarti from Booklust
Rebecca from Lost in Books
April from The Steadfast Reader
Vasilly from 1330v
Katie from Doing Dewey
Alex from The Sleepless Reader
Care at Care's Online Bookclub
Sara at (majoring in literature)

I sincerely hope you guys participate and let me know when you've answered the questions!


  1. I put the questions into draft mode. Although I won't tell you what that REALLY means these days. ;) Jonathon Strange has been on my shelf for WAY too long, too. And one a week is pretty good. I only manage that when adding in audio AND an excess of comics.

  2. Hmmmmm.

    Well, this will be easier than writing a book review. I'll work on it.

  3. Aw, thanks for thinking of me, Trisha! It takes me back to like 2009/2010 when awards were all over the place. I think I had like a rotating image thing in my sidebar for all of them lol. I will be happy to answer the questions! It might be this weekend, though.

    1. I posted mine on Tumblr, Trisha! http://thisiswanderlust.tumblr.com/post/114112374752

  4. I have my answers set to go in a few weeks. :D Though I'm having a lot of trouble with that book-location pairing thing. I've never thought of anything like that!

  5. I still haven't read the third book in the Raven Boys series, but I loved the first two, so I'm excited to finish the series too! :)

  6. I finally answered them! and had lots of fun doing it: http://thezenleaf.com/2015/04/07/ten-bookish-questions-from-trisha/


Talk to me baby!